Rezvan Ahmadnejad Rezvan Ahmadnejad

Modern icons
B1 level


In this lesson, students learn about the relative pronouns and relative clause through guided discovery based on a reading text about Steve Jobs.The lesson start with some questions about Apple products. This is followed by a reading where students read and see some sentences with relative pronouns and relative clauses sentences about Steve Jobs's life.Finally there is some controlled practice thorough sentence reformulation and free practice via a speaking activity.


Abc H/O 2
Abc slide - WB
Abc H/O 1
Abc clarification
Abc H/O 4
Abc H/O 3 semi controlled

Main Aims

  • To provide clarification of relative clauses and relative pronouns in the context of Modern icons

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide detailed reading practice using a text about the text does not have topic but it is related to Steve Jobs's biography in the context of Modern icons


Lead-in (2-3 minutes) • to generate interest in the topic

T after greeting projects Apple logo. T asks the following questions: Have you ever seen this logo? Can you name some products of this company?( iPhone- iPod- iPad- iTune) Does anyone use the Apple products? T projects a slide of Steve Jobs and asks this question. Do you know this man? T introduces Steve Jobs T projects some photos to Ss and asks them to guess the relation between them and Steve Jobs.

Reading task (6-7 minutes) • To introduce the target the target language via reading.

T shows a HO which is 5 questions from the text. T asks Ss to read the text and complete the sentences. T asks Ss to read the text individually and then complete the sentences. T gives time (5m) and monitors. ICQs: Are you going to read the text and complete the sentences?yes Are the sentences in the text?yes Do you do it alone or in pairs? alone How much time do you have?5 m T asks Ss to compare the answers in their groups. T collects the answers and the reasons.

Highlight target language (2-3 minutes) • to highlight the target language by use of eliciting

T uses the previous HO and asks these questions. What are Who, whose, which, or where in these sentences? When do we use them? T elicits Ss by these questions.

Clarifying target language (10-12 minutes) • To clarify meaning of target language/model and provide controlled practice of pronunciation and highlight form

T shows a HO to Ss and asks the to read the sentences and answer the questions with yes or no. T asks them to do the tasks in pairs. T gives time and monitors.5 m T takes note. T asks Ss to compare the answers. T collect the answers and the reasons. T clarify the meaning if Ss have problem. T clarifies the form on the board first clause + which + second clause first clause + whose + second clause first clause + who + second clause first clause + where + second clause T models the pronunciation orally and drills chorally and individually. T points the stressed parts.

language practice (8-10 minutes) • To provide semi-controlled practice of language

T shows a HO which contains 6 sentences. T asks Ss to read the sentences and complete them with who, which, where or whose. T asks Ss to do the task individually and gives time.7 m ICQs: Are you going to complete the sentences with who, which, where or whose?yes Do you do it alone or with your friends? alone How much time do you have? 6 m T monitors and helps if necessary. T asks Ss to compare the answers in their groups. T gives the answer keys. T asks the reasons for each answer as a feedback.

language practice (8-10 minutes) • to provide freer oral practice

T shows a HO which contains some modern icons. Teacher asks Ss to talk about them and use relative pronouns in their speaking. T gives time and and hands out the task.5m T asks Ss to do the task in pair. ICQs: Are you going to talk about these people? Are you going to use the relative pronouns and make relative clauses? yes how much time do you have?5m T takes note and after the task does delay correction as feedback.

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