Ayşenur Zeren Ayşenur Zeren

Present Simple lesson
Elementary/A2 level


In this lesson, students learn the I/you/we/they affirmative, negative and question form of the present simple based on a reading text about a girl's two jobs.They also learn frequency adverbs usage in the sentences "to be", positive,negative and question form of the present simple.The lesson starts with the days of the week and SS learn weekday and weekend. This is followed by test-teach-test approach, jigsaw reading, listening and pronunciation (stress and intonation in Yes/No and wh- questions). At the end of the lesson, there is a controlled and free practice through a role-play speaking and a game 'what is the job name?'


Abc Ordering exercise (teacher made)
Abc Picture and Track 36 (New Headway Elementarty Student Book p:22)
Abc Matching exercise ( Teacher made and New Headway Student Book p:22)
Abc Track 36 and gap fill exercise. (New Headway Elementarty Student Book p:22)
Abc Correct order exercise (teacher made)
Abc Track 37 and gap fill exercise. (New Headway Elementarty Student Book p:23)
Abc Colorful job papers
Abc Role- play segment (New Headway Student Book p:23)
Abc Track 37 and Best choice exercise (New Headway Elementarty Student Book p:23)
Abc Reading text (New Headway Student Book p:22)

Main Aims

  • To provide clarification and practice of present simple statements, negatives and questions(first person) in the context of 'work hard, play hard'.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide scan and detailed reading practice using a text about Lisa's two jobs in the context of work life.


Stage 1 (2-3 minutes) • To teach the days of the week

- ask SS 'what day is it today?' - choose a volunteer student and ask her/him to stick the first day of the week on the wall. - SS stick the days on the wall from the first to the last day of the week. - show SS the days: weekday and weekend. - drills the days.

Stage 2 (5-6 minutes) • To learn their knowledge of present simple with test-teach-test approach.

- ask SS some basic present simple questions. - tell them to look at the picture and heading. - discuss with SS - close the picture and play the track 36. - after listening, ask some basic questions about the girl's life.

Stage 3 (2-3 minutes) • To teach some basic verbs used in daily speech

- elicit which verbs are negative in the box. - SS look at the two sides of the wall. - try to match the pictures with correct verbs. - drill the verbs chorally and individually.

Stage 4 (10-12 minutes) • To teach the usage of adverbs of frequency.

-listen the track 36 and fill in the blanks with the correct verb from the box and underline the adverbs of frequency. - compare the answers in pairs. - play the record as a final check. - ask concept check questions. - ask which sentences they underlined. - write them on the board and show the difference. - divide the students into 4 groups. - give the mixed words of the sentences to with adverbs of frequency to each group. - want them to put the words into correct order to form a sentence. - a student from each group read a sentence and other groups check their sentences.

Stage 5 (3-4 minutes) • To check for accurate pronunciation of the SS

- put SS into pairs. - first S reads the first paragraph and the second reads the second paragraph.

Stage 6 (2-3 minutes) • To correct their mistakes for accurate pronunciation.

- monitor SS while reading - take some notes of their pronunciation. - give feedback - drill the selected lines from the notes individually and chorally.

Stage 7 (5-6 minutes) • To emphasize the stress and intonation in yes/ no and wh- questions

- draw a large question mark on the board to show the focus on questions. - play the track 37 and want SS fill in the blanks. - practice questions and answers in open pairs to correct any mistake. - show the stress and intonation in the yes/no and wh- questions. - drill the questions individually and chorally

Stage 8 (5-6 minutes) • To see their productive skill after learning

- put the SS in pairs - check the language of greeting and thanking and the use of because in replying to why questions. - give a handout included questions. - say one of the student to be Lisa Parsons and other S to interview with her. - SS work in closed pairs and role play the interview.

Stage 9 (2-3 minutes) • To check for correct question formation.

- monitor SS. - give feedback . - play recording to check their answers.

Stage 10 (2-3 minutes) • To check their listening skill

- play track 39 - SS tick the sentences they hear - put into pairs to check their answers.

Stage 11 (4-5 minutes) • To do free speaking activity with present simple

- give SS some specific jobs - come in front of the class and describe their routine as if they do a certain job - the rest of the class has to guess what the job is. - ask Yes/No questions.

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