Nargiza Rahmatullayeva Nargiza Rahmatullayeva


Abc Power Point
Abc Gap- fill handout
Abc Handouts (T made)

Main Aims

  • Practicing vocabulary:the days of the week and how to tell the time

Subsidiary Aims

  • Practicing listening to get the correct pronunciation


Lead-in • To introduce the major vocabulary and structures

The teacher writes the numbers from one to seven across the top of the board. She then sticks the days of the week randomly on the board. She asks the students to put them in their correct places. When they are done, they listen to the tape to check the pronunciation. Then the teacher produces a calendar and points to the 27th of March. She asks, “What day is it today?” After the students answer the teacher sticks the word “Today” above “Tuesday” on the white board. She goes on to teach the words “tomorrow” and “the weekend” in the same way.

While Teaching (10-15 minutes) • To learn to tell the time

The teacher asks the students to work in pairs and distributes the handouts. (Activity3 Face to Face, Second Edition, Starter, Student's Book, Cmbridge University Press, Pp. 36) The teacher asks the students to fold the bottom of the the paper (b part) Then the teacher asks the students to match those times with the clocks A-D (Analog) The teacher observes where the students have difficulties and takes some notes. After the students are done, the teacher asks the students to write their answers on the WB. Then the teacher asks them to match the digital times with the times depicted on the clocks. After they are done, they write their answers on the WB and the teacher gives feedback. The teacher asks CQs to make sure that the students have understood. The teacher sets the clock at 'Quarter past three' and asks 'Is it quarter to three?' (No) 'Is it quarter past three? (Yes) The teacher also demonstrates how to pronounce the time words and asks the students to do the same. The teacher distributes the handouts (Activity7 Face to Face, Second Edition, Starter, Student's Book, Cmbridge University Press, Pp. 36) The teacher asks the students to fill in the gaps. After the students are done, they listen and check their answers. Through this activity, the students learn how to express the time in an appropriate context.

Post Teaching (5-7 minutes) • To practice what has been learnt in the lesson

( Jigsaw Activity8 Face to Face, Second Edition, Starter, Student's Book, Cambridge University Press, Pp. 89/94) The teacher divides the students into pairs; one of them will be A and the other one will be B. The teacher gives different handouts to student A and student "B". Teacher tells the students not to show their handouts to their partner. The students ask questions to each other to fill in the missing parts in their respective handouts. After they are done, they compare their handouts to see whether they did the exercise correctly or not.

Free activity • To consolidate everything that has been learnt

The teacher gives charts with questions to the students and asks them to get up and find two students and ask them those questions and get some information about them. For example, "When do you usually get up?" After they are done, the students report what they have found out about their friends.

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