Rezvan Ahmadnejad Rezvan Ahmadnejad

grammer practice
A1 level


In this session students will practice yes/No questions and also Wh questions.They will make 8 questions and ask them their friends.This process is exactly like an interview and Ss would ask Qs for many times from different Ss. Finally they will write sentences about their partner.


Abc Find two people who...

Main Aims

  • To provide review of grammar practice in the context of interview

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide accuracy in the context of interview


set up (3-5 minutes) • To introduce and set up the practice activity

T shows a HO to Ss and asks them to choose the correct verb for each Qs. T gives time and asks Ss to do the task individually. ccqs: do you circle the correct verbs?yes do you do it with your friend? No T monitors and help if necessary. T asks them to compare the answers in pairs. T collects the answers

controlled practice activity (4-5 minutes) • To provide controlled and oral practice

T asks ss to make question with do you for 1- 12 T makes a Qs as an example T asks ss to do the rest individually and gives time T monitors T asks ss to compare the answers in pairs T collect the answers

controlled practice activity (20-25 minutes) • to produce less controlled and oral practice

T uses demonstration to give a clear instruction T asks this question from a ss: Do you watch TV a lot?yes T writes the name of ss in the first column. T asks the same question from another ss? the answer is No T doesn't write the name of ss in the second column. T asks this question from another ss .the answer is yes. T writes the name in the second column. T asks the next Qs? the answer is No T writes the name in the first column.... T asks Ss to stand up and do the same T monitors and helps if necessary T give Ss time to do the rest

feed back and error correction (7-10 minutes) • to establish correct answers,freer oral and written practice

T asks Ss to write 4 sentences about 2 friends T gives time and monitors T corrects the answers if necessary. T asks Ss to read sentences T does error correction

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