Behnam Bigdeli Behnam Bigdeli

Dates, Simple past
A2 level


In this lesson, Students review the past simple tense in the context of the air journey. the lesson starts with an introduction to the context titling "planes to rockets in sixty years". then it is followed by a jigsaw reading where students read and relate stories about the first flight and first man on the moon. finally there is a freer practice via speaking activity.


Abc Picture-title and introduction to the reading
Abc Pictures of an astronaut, Space, The earth, a rocket and the moon
Abc Pictures of an aviator, pld plane, map of England and France
Abc Gap-fill hand ou
Abc Reading text
Abc Wh-questions

Main Aims

  • To provide gist and detailed reading practice using a text about Pioneers of air and space flight in the context of Dates in the History

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide practice of Pioneers of air and space flight
  • To provide fluency speaking practice in a Discussion


Warmer/Lead-in (5-7 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

2 sets of illustrations will be shown to the students. 1st set of illustrations include an astronaut, space, earth, rocket, and moon, and the 2nd set includes an aviator, an old airplane, map of France and England. first teacher elicits the vocabulary form the students without writing or saying them. then student make sentences accordingly. in this case, students get familiar with the context.

Pre-Reading (7-10 minutes) • To prepare students for the text and make it accessible

at first the pictures of the two pioneers will be shown to the students by OHP and the following questions will be asked from them: 1. who are the men? 2. what did day do? 3. when did they do it? then the students will be paired to discuss the answers. teacher will elicit the answers from some pairs and moves on to the title. students read the title and the introduction to fully understand the context and to check the vocabulary they do not know. teacher writes some Wh-questions on the board so that students can make complete questions from them. Who/how/where/when? then students work in pairs to check their questions and respond to them.

While-Reading #2 (14-16 minutes) • To provide students with more challenging detailed, deduction and inference reading tasks

in this task (jigsaw reading) students will be divided in to 2 groups (A&B). each group receives a different bit relevant handout about pioneers of air and space. each group reads the text and answers the questions provided within the Handout. when the they finish reading, members of each group check in pairs to see if they have any problem, after that the teacher forms pairs (one from group A and one from group B) so that students share their understating from reading with other classmates. then teacher gets some feed backs from some of the students and gives the last hand out in this part. students answer the questions according to their reading section and share the answer with the classmates who have read the other reading. to save the time, teacher gives the answer to the students after getting some feed backs from them.

Post-Reading (4-6 minutes) • To provide with an opportunity to respond to the text and review on what they've learned

at this stage, students will refer to question 6 on page 58 and find numbers in the text, and make complete sentences using them. then they check their answers in group of 3. to save more time, the teacher gives the keys to the students.

Freer Practice (3-5 minutes) • To provide students using vocabulary

in case there is enough time, students will receive a handout containing new vocabulary from the reading. students will find the words in the text and try to guess their meaning, then teacher will provide them with some pictures or definitions of the words so that they can mach them.

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