Rania Kuraa Rania Kuraa

TP4 Famous Twins
Intermediate level


In this lesson students will practise present perfect simple in the context of successful twins . The lesson starts with a discussion about famous twins . This is followed by a gist task and highlighting the [TL] in the context. Then, a clarification of the [TL] will be made through MPF. Controlled practice activities will follow them. Finally , there will be a freer practice via a speaking activity in pairs in the context of successful twins.


Abc Projector
Abc WB
Abc Audio CD

Main Aims

  • To provide practice of present perfect simple in the context of successful twins.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide practice in listening for specific information in the context of successful twins.


Lead-in (2-3 minutes) • To generate interest in the topic of the lesson

Display a picture of famous Egyptian twins and ask some questions about them, then ask Ss to look at the successful famous twins who are in the picture. Ask Ss some questions. a.Have you ever heard about them? b.Do you know any information about these twins. c.Do you know another famous successful twins in any field of life?

Gist task (3-5 minutes) • To ensure Ss are comfortable with the text before exploiting it for language.

Ask Ss to look at the text without doing the exercise to only find out in what way the famous twins have an amazing life.

Highlight language (4-5 minutes) • To highlight the target language [TL] in context

Ask Ss to read the text and choose the correct verb form. Ss will be asked to check their answers in pairs.Then, Ss listen and check their answers.

Clarify Language (Meaning) (5-7 minutes) • To provide clarification of meaning of the [TL]

▪Use the time line with model examples to show the meaning. ▪Ask the students CCQs to help them understand the usage of the present perfect simple.

Clarify Language (Form) (3-5 minutes) • To provide clarification of the form of the [TL]

Check the students' knowledge of how is the present perfect simple is formed.

Clarify Language (pronunciation) (2-3 minutes) • To provide clarification of the pronunciation of the [TL]

DRill some model examples with the students to show the correct pronunciation using backchaining.

Controlled Practice (5-7 minutes) • To provide an opportunity for Ss to use the [TL]

▪Ask Ss to match the information given in the text to the the correct pictures of the famous characters below. ▪Ask the students to provide the correct form of the different verbs in Exercise(1)whether in the present perfect or past simple. ▪Focus mainly on the present perfect by asking the students to complete the gaps in exercise (2.b).

Freer Practice (5-10 minutes) • To provide an opportunity for Ss to use the [TL]

Ask each student to think about six things things that he/she has done and his/her partner hasn't. Ask the students to run on a conversation together by asking and answering questions about their ideas.

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