canan_uslu canan_uslu

Impersonal Passive
Upper-Intermediate, B2 level


In this lesson, students will learn about impersonal passive through the context of the reading text "Magical Places". The students will be provided with an opportunity to recall any similar places or legends in their country and build up the TL based on them. Moreover, the students will be exposed to saying sentences in 'another way' using the TL. In freer practice activity, the students will be encouraged to practice the target chunks in a freer context.


Abc Text "Magical Places"
Abc Extra activity
Abc Reporting the sentences
Abc Power Point Presentation
Abc Projector
Abc Whiteboard, markers
Abc Exercise 1
Abc Exercise 2

Main Aims

  • To provide clarification, review and practice of impersonal passive in the context of the text about "Magical Places".

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide process writing practice of a short text in English in the context of a place with magical powers or a legend.
  • To provide scan reading practice using a text about impersonal passive in the context of the text about "Magical Places".


Warmer/Lead-in (3-4 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

*Ask students to briefly re-tell about the previous text "Magical Places" to set the lesson context; *Try to elicit TL from the Sts; *Tell students about a magical place in Tajikistan to support the context for the TL, i.e. impersonal passive; *Focus Sts attention to the TL without appearing to do so;

Exposure (3-5 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation

*Project 3 sentences on the w/b; *Ask students to look at the text again and find 'another' way of saying these sentences; *Ask Sts to make a small group of 3-4, but first work individually, then in pairs to check their answers; *Prompt Sts with the word "it" if they are not able to find them; *Ask Sts to think of what tense is being used and what is the subject of these sentences; *Also ask Sts why the passive is used here;

Highlighting (5-7 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the target language

*Elicit answers from the Sts and write them on the board; *Elicit the correct tense and subject being used; Mark on the board; *If Sts struggle with meaning and form: *To clarify the meaning, ask these CCQs: a. Is passive used here by the writer to distant himself? (Yes) b. Does the writer not want to assert his/her personal belief or disbelief in magical powers? (Yes) *To clarify the form, ask these CCQs: a. Is the present simple passive used? (Yes) b. Is the subject in each sentence 'it'? (Yes) *To clarify the appropriacy, ask this CCQ: c. Is the use of 'it' more common in written and academic English? (Yes) *To give the summative feedback on the language used: *Tell Sts that we use the impersonal passive to report a general claim or belief, without reference to a particular person or agent. *Tell Sts that impersonal passive is formed with it + the passive voice. It is used with reporting verbs such as say, claim, rumour, know, think and believe; *Carry out drilling of three sentences on the board;

Clarification (5-7 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

*Project 6 sentences and ask Sts to change the sentences so they mean the same thing; *Tell Sts to start each sentence with 'It...'; *Do the first sentence together, then let the Sts work alone, before checking in pairs; *Give Sts the HO; *Ask ICQ if need be: Are you going to start each sentence with 'It...'? (Yes); Are you going to use present simple passive? (Yes) *Re-elicit the effect of the passive; *Focus on the meaning and the reason for using this form;

Controlled Practice (5-7 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

*Ask Sts to close/hide their HOs; *Model the activity: Draw a picture of the sentence from Exercise 2 on the board "People believe that if you stand here at midnight then you will be lucky for a year"; *Ask Sts to give one sentence using the TL (impersonal passive) to describe a picture; *Elicit the correct TL sentence: 'It is believed that if you stand here at midnight you will be lucky for a year'; *Prompt sts if they struggle making up a sentence: *Ask a volunteer to come up to the board and silently draw a picture of the sentence on the board; *The first person to shout out the correct passive sentence gets a point; *This simple recall activity focuses students on the target language. *Carry out error correction on the TL if the need be.

Semi-Controlled Practice (8-10 minutes) • To concept check further and prepare students for free practice

*Ask Sts to look at six sentences and think of any similar places or legends in their country; *Elicit ideas and write them on the board; *Tell Sts that they have been asked by a tourism agency to write a short text in English about a place with magical powers or legend that they know; *Tell Sts to vote for the favourite spot by the end of this activity; *Tell them they can use the text on page 45 to help them; *Tell sts to think of a real place, or invent one if they don't know; *Divide sts into pairs or small groups depending on a number of Sts to carry out the activity; *Tell Sts they have got 8-10 minutes; *Stick pieces of writing on the walls, students mingle and vote;

Free Practice (4-5 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

*Project 5 sentences on the board to practice the target chunks in a freer context; *Re-group Sts and ask them to discuss five statements in threes; 1. It is claimed that learning a language as a child is the only way to get perfect pronunciation; 2. It has been suggested that being bilingual helps other areas of your brain to develop, as well as linguistic ones; 3. It has been claimed that learning grammar rules at the expense of other aspects actually impedes language development; 4. It is said that to speak with a convincing accent in another language, one needs to be a good actor; 5. It has been stated that it is impossible to learn more than 20 words a day.

Extra TL related activity Optional (3-5 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

*Assign this activity to a fast-finisher(s) or as an optional one; *Provide an answer key upon completion.

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