Mahmoud A. Elgamal Mahmoud A. Elgamal

TP4, Main: Vocabulary, Sub: Speaking.
Elementary level


In this lesson, students will learn some new language (vocabulary, verbs) through some controlled and freer activities to test their accuracy and fluency as well.


Abc HO2 p.41
Abc HO1 p.149

Main Aims

  • To provide clarification, review and practice of sports, everyday verbs and common objects in the context of survey

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide accuracy and fluency by having a controlled activity followed by a (less-) semi-controlled one (if needed) and ending with a freer practice activity.


Warmer/Lead-in (4-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students with the topic of the survey in P.41 of the American English file 1 SB

T asks Ss about themselves: "what do you like to do most? play a sport? draw/ paint a picture? use a computer?" and follow the devil's advocate strategy. e.g: student says: "I like to draw a picture", T says: "I think it's better to play a sport or why not both of them?" starting a conversation and let others engage and express their opinions. The conversation can take us to talk about different topics depending on Ss answers but not exceeding 5 minutes.

Exposure (6-8 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a situation and CCQs.

Depending on the lead-in conversation, T asks Ss: "what have I done now? Was I taking your opinions? Was I collecting information about you? Did you have many options to choose your answers from or just one option? Okay, that's called a survey". T drills the word survey then writes it on the board and says: "so again, what does a survey mean? after listening to their answers T says: "collecting opinions or information about people by asking them questions. T continues saying: "Today in our lesson, we are going to have a survey but before getting into that I want you first to tell me, what do you see in this picture?" (moving to the next stage: clarification).

Clarification (8-10 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language.

T starts showing Ss printed pictures to elicit lexis from them by asking questions like: "what do you call these people?" The language analysis sheet is attached, it shows the lexis order, spelling, meaning, pronunciation and anticipated problems and possible solutions for each section, it also contains the planned CCQs for each word.

Controlled Practice (6-8 minutes) • To concept check, develop accuracy and prepare students for more meaningful practice.

T gives Ss HO1 and says: "you will know most or maybe all of the verbs you have in this paper" then he chests and gives instructions saying:"in this activity, you will match the verbs and the pictures, work in pairs, you have 4 minutes" then ICQ: "so are we going to write or just match?" T starts observing to check how Ss are going and if they need help. T closes the activity and opens a class feedback in which he asks each student about any picture he chooses randomly, asking that student to read the full sentence, not just the verb. This way they can remember the verb use and function better than if it was said alone.

Controlled Practice (7-9 minutes) • To concept check further and prepare students for free practice

T gives HO2 and says: " here's the survey I talked about. I want you to guess if I am athletic, creative or practical." then let them ask me the questions in the survey while demonstrating, giving instructions and chesting saying: "like this example ask me these questions and decide if I am in one of the three categories." if not I will teach them the word "mixture". After that T divides Ss into pairs, each pair consists of A and B. T says: "As interview Bs and complete the survey for him/ her. Then exchange roles Bs interview As. Those boxes are to check yes/ no. and these are to write how well, if very well write 3, well write 2, not well write 1. After that decide whether your partner is athletic, creative or practical or a mixture depending on the highest score."

Free Practice (4-5 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language that develops fluency.

T asks Ss to work in pairs and ask their partners according to the categories they fell in like when do they play a sport, when do they draw or when do they use a computer. T gives clear instructions and makes sure all students understood the task by asking ICQs. T starts monitoring and helping students.

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