Final Tefl- Part (1)- Q2-Game- Past Simple
Intermediate Level level


Abc Board Game-Past Simple H/O

Main Aims

  • Grammar: To provide practice the past simple tense through a board game

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide product writing practice of sentences in the simple past tense


Free Practice (8-10 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

- T hands out the H/O and also place one on the board - T Gives clear instructions about the game - T will have numbers from 1-32 ready in a box - T will ask Ss to sit in two large groups, each group will choose 5 numbers then they will look at the number on the board game. - Each number on the board game will have an icon or an activity, the Ss will then talk about that activity using the past tense - Each group will write down the sentence and will present it to the other group then in front of the whole class - Peer correction, then the whole class feedback

Web site designed by: Nikue