Aya Aya

Vocabulary lesson
Elementary level


In this lesson, SS learn or review the vocabulary of the classroom environment and personal possessions.


Abc A handout which contains different exercises

Main Aims

  • To provide review and clarification of Vocabulary of classroom environment and personal possessions in the context of Table, light, lighter, board, picture, DVD player, tissues, ID Card, lipstick , cange purse, coins, matches, wallet, stamps

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide accuracy in the context of Classroom environment


Lead in (5-8 minutes) • To generate interest in the topic of lesson which is classroom environment and personal possessions

Play 'Hangman' game with the word CLASSOOM.

Task1 (8-10 minutes) • To diagnose what SS know about the TL

Ask them to answer exercise a. Then check the answers with their peers after that I will give them the feed back and exercise b, which is playing a recording for SS to repeat the words. I will drill any words that SS find difficult , using myself as a model.

Task 2 (8-10 minutes) • To diagnose what SS know about the TL

Asking them to answer exercise c then the chick it in groups and play the recording for SS to check their answers again to drill the pronunciation of the words.

Task 3 (8-10 minutes) • To check that students have improved in their knowledge of the TL

Go to Vocabulary Babk common objects on page 142. In paires they do.a. and then I will check answers and model and drill pronunciation.

Teach (3-5 minutes) • Drilling and demonstrating the difference between what is this and what are these.

Drill the two questions what's this? And what are these? I will demonstrate the meaning by holding by holding up classroom objects, e.g. one pencil, two pens.

Task 4 (2-3 minutes) • To check that students have improved in their knowledge of the TL

Have SS cover the words and test each other's memory.

Free activity (8-10 minutes) • To provide SS opportunity to use the TL

Asking them to think about five different words which are related to the classroom environment or personal possessions or write them down and then each two will come here and ask each other what is this? Or what are these?

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