Pre-intermediate level


In this lesson, students clarify the use of the present continuous for future arrangements through a guided discovery lesson based on the context of making future arrangements with friends. The lesson starts with a reminder about the characters from the previous lesson, followed by a listening exercise where the students listen for the gist of a conversation between two friends, followed by a more detailed listening exercise to highlight the TL. This will be followed by a clarification of meaning, form, and pronunciation via a guided discovery worksheet set in the same context. The next stage includes a controlled practice activity where students must write the correct questions and use them to obtain missing data from each other's calendars. Finally, they'll receive a blank calendar and fill it in with their plans for next week, they'll then mingle and ask each other questions using the present continuous to make plans with at least 5 people in the classroom.


Abc Listening Audio 2d
Abc Projector
Abc Speakers
Abc Whiteboard
Abc HO1
Abc HO2
Abc Student A HO
Abc Student B HO

Main Aims

  • To provide Ss with clarification, review and practice of the present continuous for future arrangements in the context of meeting up with old friends.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To consolidate and practice the TL through controlled and freer speaking activities in the context of making future arrangements.


Warmer/Lead-in (2-2 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

*T shows picture of Lily and Ben and asks, "Who are they?" "What are they going to do?" "Answer the questions with your partner" *Students discuss in partners, T nominates one student to give answers

Exposure (2-3 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a listening for gist exercise

*T says, "We're going to listen to a conversation between Lily and Ben." *T says, "As you listen, answer the question, Why does Lily call Ben?" *T pauses recording after Lily says, "Are you doing anything on Tuesday night?" *T says, "Compare your answer with the people at your table." *Teacher elicits answer from one student. (She phones him to make plans) *Note to self: Freeze frame during listening on slide with listening for gist question.

Highlighting (6-6 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the target language through a listening exercise

*T says, "We're going to listen to their conversation again. *T points to HO-Sunday in the diary and says, "As you listen, complete the rest of the diary with things Ben says he's going to do. This is today, it's been done for you." *T plays audio *T says, "check your answers with a partner." *T asks early finishers to write their answers on the board. If no early finishers, T will have slide prepared with the answer key. Class checks if they have the same answers. *T points to Monday and says, "Make it a full sentence." T writes as sts respond, "He's meeting students (When? during the day). T elicits question form by writing ________________? (What's he doing on Monday?) He's meeting students on Monday.

Clarification (10-10 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the present continuous for future arrangements

*T says, "So, when are Lily and Ben going to meet?" (Thursday) *T writes on w/b: "Lily and Ben are meeting on Thursday." *T draws timeline for now and future. *T asks, "Do they have a plan?" (Yes), "What is the plan?" (They are meeting) "Are they meeting now or in the future?" (In the future) *T drills example sentence. *T writes, "Lily and Ben are eating Pizza in a restaurant." *T asks, "Are they eating pizza now or in the future?" and indicates sts answers on the timeline. *T points to the handout and says, there are 4 sentences. Answer the questions and decide is it happening NOW or in the FUTURE? Work with the person sitting next to you. You have 2 minutes. *T monitors and provides assistance if necessary. *T tells everyone to stand up and stand in the center. "Now, we're going to check our answers. I'll read a sentence and you'll run to either the FUTURE (T points to that side of room) or NOW (T points to that side of the room) After, T tells students to sit down again. *T asks. "Is Ben meeting Lily on Wednesday?" (No) "So, he _____ meeting Lily on Wednesday." (T elicits "isn't" and writes the sentence with "isn't" missing, on the board if necessary.), "Am I meeting Lily on Thursday? Sts respond- No, You _____ meeting Lily on Thursday. *T drills for pronunciation *T writes, ____________________? Ben is going to the dentist on Friday. (What is Ben doing on Friday?/Is Ben going to the dentist on Friday? are both ok) and __________________? No, I'm not meeting Lily on Thursday. (Are you meeting Lily on Thursday?/Aren't you meeting Lily on Thursday? both are ok) *T displays exercise B form HO2 on the w/b, points to HO2 and says, "Talk to your the people at your table and fill in the gaps. You have 4 minutes." *After four minutes, T reveals answers on PPT.

Controlled Practice (10-12 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

*T gives half of room blue papers and half of room green papers and says, "Work with the people at your table and complete the questions. You have 3 minutes." *T monitors, provides assistance if necessary, and error corrects immediately if necessary. *T displays correct answers and students check and correct *T says, "Blue papers, stand up and go to that side of the room. Green papers, stand up and go to that side. Make a pair with someone who has a different color and sit down." *T says, unfold your papers, but DON'T let the other person see your diary. Ask each other questions and fill in the information. You have 5 minutes." *T monitors, provides assistance if necessary, and error corrects immediately if necessary.

Freer Practice (12-12 minutes) • To concept check further, consolidate and practice the TL

*T points to orange HO, "This is your diary for next week. Write down one plan that you have for each day next week. You have 2 minutes." (T asks ICQS if necessary: What are you going to write down? How many things are you going to write down?) *T monitors and provides assistance as necessary. *T asks pre-selected student to demonstrate activity. *T says, "Now, find people to do something with every day of the week next week. Try to find at least five people. (How many people are you going to ask? How many plans are you going to make?) *T monitors, provides assistance if necessary, and notes down good language/language in need of reformulation for the delayed FB session

Language Feedback (1-2 minutes) • To provide feedback on good language and to highlight some errors

*T says, "Did you guys make any interesting plans?" *T praises good language heard. *T writes any language related to the lesson's TL on the board and elicits correct answers.

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