wasmaa sheta wasmaa sheta

'Amazing journeys'
pre-intermediate level


In this lesson student will learn transport vocabulary and (past simple&past continuous) grammar. They will practice both vocab and grammar. And they will learn about how to talk about journeys.


Abc Speak out pre-intermediate

Main Aims

  • To provide clarification and practice of 'transport' vocabulary in the context of 'Amazing journeys.'
  • To provide clarification and practice of 'past simple & past continuous' in the context of 'Amazing journeys'

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide detailed reading practice using a text about 'The motorcycle diaries' in the context of '


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

I will show students some pictures of transport that was used in the past and what is used now, and I will make with them a discussion about the difference between now and the old days using transport and which one is the easy, fast,and comfortable.

Pre-Reading/Listening (10-12 minutes) • To prepare students for the text and make it accessible

1: I will devide students into pairs to read and answer the questions 1&2. Then they go to the photo bank to check their answers and focus on the stressed syllables in the words. Students can use their dictionaries to check words they don’t know or they can ask me about it if they don’t have dictionaries. 2: students will work in pairs, look at the photos and discuss the questions1&2&3 the photos are from films and it will show students knowledge about them. I will not confirm any details about the films until after Ex. 4. I will check the questions and the meaning of new words in the word box. I will give students 3-4 minuets to discuss the questions. In feedback I will elicit students predictions and write some of them on the board- but I will not confirm if they are correct or not.

While-Reading/Listening #1 (10-12 minutes) • To provide students with less challenging gist and specific information reading/listening tasks

3: this is a jigsaw reading, it is important to set this up carefully to make sure students don’t look at their partners’ texts before they’ve all exchanged information about them I will check he questions then put students into groups of three A,b and c. I will give them 4-5 minuets to look at their texts and make notes of the answers. While they are working I will monitor and see if they need something. 4: students take turns to tell the group about their texts, make notes about the other texts and see if their answers to exercise 2 correct? 5: students will discuss three questions and I will monitoring, take notes of their language problems. Discuss the questions with the class and give feedback.

Focus on language (grammar) (14-16 minutes) • To focus on new language

6A: Students will read the sentences and answer the questions alone and compare answers. Then I will teach them grammar to know the difference and how to connect past simple and continuous. B: students will underline the correct alternative to complete the rules. And give them feedback and check if they understand. C: students will find one more example from their texts. Language bank: students will do two activities using past simple and continuous. Then give them feedback.

Post-Reading/Practice (4-6 minutes) • To provide with an opportunity to respond to the text and expand on what they've learned

7A: I will show students how to make this activity giving them the first example and let them do the rest of the sentences then work in pairs and compare their ideas. 8: students will hear an audio to listen to some ideas for exercise 7A are they similar to their answers? B: students will listen again to notice how was and were are pronounced. Then listen and repeat the first part of the sentences. Check sentence stress and weak forms.

Free practice (10-15 minutes) • To provide accuracy and fluency practice

9: students work in pairs, student A make sentences with the past simple and past continuous use a prompt from a and a prompt from b, student B respond with another sentence beginning with So, I will denominat an example and we will read all the prompts befor starting he activity and I will give them time to think of 5-6 sentences then decide them into pairs. Speaking: I will check the questions and example answer then I will give students time to write their answers in note form. Then every student will describe something that happened to him on a trip or journey. B: students will work in grouped to tell their stories then I will ask them which stories were the funniest/ most interesting and invite students to tell them to the class.

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