Oya Oya

Teacher Practice 1
Elementary level


In this lesson, students practice in reading for gist and detail in the context of the power of numbers. The lesson starts with a discussion about numbers which brings people luck or misfortune. This is follow by exercises where students put the numbers in correct order and write the numbers for the words. Finally there is some free practice via speaking activity when students talk about lucky or unlucky numbers in their lives.


Abc Clandfield, L. & Pickering, K. (2010) Global Elementary Coursebook, Macmillan Publishers Ltd.

Main Aims

  • To provide students practice in reading for gist and detail in the context of the power of numbers.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To review and practice more number-related vocabulary.


Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To re-introduce myself. Set lesson context (a reading about some numbers) and engage students by asking them whether they know some special numbers which people consider to be lucky or unlucky.

Draw numbers 7, 13, 40, 666 on the board to elicit ideas of their meaning. Elicit some related lexis – e.g. bring luck/misfortune. Ss in pairs brainstorm what they know about these spacial numbers. w/c FB

Pre-Reading (2-4 minutes) • To prepare students for the text and review some numbers

Do Vocabulary ex 1 p.10 (put the numbers in the correct order). Peer check in pairs before eliciting/giving the answers in whole class feedback.

Pre-reading (3-5 minutes) • To prepare students for the text and practice writing numbers for the words.

Read the numbers out and have the students write them down on a piece of paper. Peer check in pairs before eliciting/giving the answers in whole class feedback. Do some pronunciation drilling of 30/13, 40/14, etc.

Pre-reading 2 (2-3 minutes) • To introduce the topic of the reading and clarify unknown lexic

To explain the meaning of the words 'common', 'lucky', 'sequence', 'unlucky' for a basic understanding.

Reading 1 Gist (3-5 minutes) • To help students focus on a general understanding of the text.

Write the numbers from the reading (8, 3, 13) on the board and ask students to guess what significance the numbers might have. Ss peer-check their answers in pairs and make some notes. Feedback: Give Ss the text and have them check their ideas (1 or 2 minutes). Check as a whole-class and deal with any questions.

Reading 2 Detail (4-7 minutes) • To enable Ss to develop reading for detailed information skills.

Do Reading ex. 2 p.11 'The power of numbers'. Set the task (find the example of ...) before Ss read. Give them time to peer-check before doing whole-class feedback. Ss read the text. w/c FB

Post-Reading/Listening (9-11 minutes) • To provide the opportunity for freer speaking with more then one partner

Divide the class into two groups. Ss share their ideas about special numbers in Turkish culture (4-6 minutes). Ss work in pairs (they move around the class and chose a partner) and talk about their personal lucky and unlucky numbers. After having spoken with one partner, S chose another one to speak with (5-7 minutes). Monitor and help where necessary. Nominate some Ss and get feedback. If there is time, collect some errors with the “be verb” and do delayed error correction on the board after the task.

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