Gr. 1a: For Ss to have accuracy and fluency practice of verb "be" in the present simple form.
E0 - Beginners level


In this lesson, students will learn about the verb "be" in the present simple form. They will lean all its forms (affirmative, negative, and yes/no question forms).


Abc Blue tack
Abc BooK (Language Leader: Beginners).
Abc Flash cards
Abc Markers.
Abc Blue tack

Main Aims

  • Students understand and practice the verb "be" in their daily life.

Subsidiary Aims

  • For students to be able to write and speak the verb "be" right.


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

-T. asks students about them and general truths, to highlight the use of the verb "be": 1-What is your name? My name IS... 2- How are you? I AM fine. 3- How is the weather in summer? It IS hot. 4-Where is Alexandria? It IS in Egypt. -Ss answers

Exposure (8-15 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation

-T. ask Ss to read the text on P. 6, and to underline all verbs, and to check with one another. -Ss. start the task. -T. monitors and takes notes. -T. asks Ss to name the words they underlined. -Ss answers. -T. write them on the board, and asks CCQs: 1- Are they in the past? no. 2- Are they in the future? no. 3- Are they in the present? yes. -T. asks students to try to guess the type of verb: Can you tell me what this verb is? (Verb to be). -Ss answers. -T. asks Ss to look at the board and to name the three forms of the verb "be" ( Am, Are, Is). -Ss answers. -T. asks which form comes with plural subjects and which comes with singular subjects: -Does "Am" come with Singular or plural? singular. which singular forms (one person singular)= I. -Does "Is" come with singular or plural? singular. which singular forms (SHE, HE, IT), and any subject that is not plural (no S). EX: City, cat. -Does "Are" come with singular or plural? Plural. which forms (YOU, WE, THEY, WE), and any subject that is plural (S). EX: Cities, Cats. -Ss answers. -T. puts Contractions flashcards on the board, and asks students what are they: Are: -Do we remove the letter 'e' from 'are'? no -What do we remove? 'a" -What do we put instead of 'a'? an apostrophe (') Is: -Do we remove the letter 's' from 'is'? no -What do we remove? 'i' -What do we put instead of 'i"? an apostrophe ('). Am: -Do we remove the letter 'm' from 'am'? no. -What do we remove? 'a' -What do we put instead of 'a'? an apostrophe. -Ss answers. -T. ask Ss what if we want to make verb "be" negative? -T. asks Ss to write two sentences in the negative verb "be". -T. ask Ss to check answers with one another. -Ss start the task and check answers. -T. elicits answers from Ss. Contraction for not? -How do you think we can make not short? remove 'o' and add an apostrophe. -Ss answers. Questions: -T. asks Ss: when we ask a question, do we start with the verb or the subject? Verb. Which is correct: You are sad? are you sad? This. -Ss answers. T. asks students what will be the answer if with Yes and if with No. - T. asks Ss to write 7 simple questions with answers (I, she, he, it, we, they, you) and to check with one another. Ex: are you sad? Yes, I am sad. No, I am sad. -T. monitors and takes notes. -Ss start, and then check. -T. elicits answers.

Controlled Practice (8-10 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

-T. divides Ss into pairs. -T. asks Ss to answer Qs, 4, 5a, 6, 7, and to check answers with each other. -Ss start the task. -T. monitors and takes notes. -Ss finish the task and check answers with each other. -T. elicit answers.

Free Practice (5-0 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

-T. asks each pair to answer Q. 5b. -T. gives an example on the board. -Ss. start the task. -T. monitors and takes notes.

Feedback and Error Correction (3 minutes) • To provide students with feedback on their work, to correct their mistakes, and to encourage them.

-T. corrects Ss' mistakes on the board. -T. discuss Ss' mistakes and answers. -T. encourages Ss.

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