Patrick Cody Patrick Cody

Zafer Second Grade - Spotlight 5.11
Second Grade - Beginner level


In this lesson students will demonstrate their ability to understand an expository text about the desert.


Abc Spotlight On English 1 - Teachers Book
Abc Enviroment Flascards
Abc KABOOM Cards and Can
Abc Spotligh on Enlish 1 - Student Book
Abc Personal Photo - My Hometown
Abc Insect Picture / Flashcard

Main Aims

  • To provide gist and detailed reading practice using a text about the desert.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To practice reading uncommon, irregular words in a printed text.


Warmer/Lead-in (2-3 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Teacher will show pictures of the previously learned environments (jungle, mountain, ocean, desert) using either the projector or physical flashcards. Using the pictures the teacher will elicit the name of each environment from the class and names of things that grow/live there.

Pre-Reading/Listening (11-13 minutes) • To prepare students for the text and make it accessible

The teacher will specifically highlight the desert flashcard or photo. Elicit from the students information that they may already know about the desert. -Is it easy or hard to live there? -What is the weather like? -What animals can you find? To add a personal touch I may add a photo of my house/hometown. Explain to students that I grew up in the desert. (Allow students space to ask questions about my hometown if they are interested) Teacher will elicit from students what our reading passage might be about today... The Desert! Pre-teach difficult or unknown vocabulary from the text. -Insects (again using flashcards or pictures taken from the internet. Provide examples of different types of insects) -Adapt (provide a level/age appropriate synonym. To change). -Dry climate (Compare and contrast the jungle and the desert. Which climate has more rain? Which climate is wet? Which climate is dry?)

While-Reading/Listening #1 (4-6 minutes) • To provide students with less challenging gist and specific information reading/listening tasks

Instruct students to open the books to page 146. Before reading the teacher will highlight 2 gist questions that the students must answer after reading the text. (These should be written on the board for the class to see). 1- True of false - No animals or plants can live in the desert? 2 - True or false It is very difficult to live in the desert? The teacher will take volunteers to read the passage out-loud. ( 3 volunteers reading 3 sentences a piece. There are 9 sentences in the paragraph total). After reading/listening to the text the teacher will refer to the gist questions on the board. Elicit answers from the students and affirm their listening/ behavior.

While-Reading / Listening 2 (4-5 minutes) • To provide students with a more difficult reading task for detail.

Tell the students that they will be reading the passage a second time. Erase the previous gist questions from the board and replace them with 2 detail questions. 1- What is the temperature like at night in the desert? 2- When do animals and insects usually come out? 3 Again take 3 volunteers to read the passage out loud. Each student reading 3 sentences. After reading elicit answers to the detail questions from the class.

Post-Reading/Listening (3-5 minutes) • To provide with an opportunity to respond to the text and expand on what they've learned

Point out the workbook questions in the student book.( Underneath the text on page 145) Elicit answers to the questions from the students and instruct them to write in their workbooks. Model the answers on the board for students to copy as necessary.

Reading Revision Activity (8-12 minutes) • To provide students with practice reading difficult or irregular sight words.

Tell students they will be playing a game called KABOOM! Prior to class the teacher will prepare a can or box with level appropriate sight words. Each word written on and individual notecard or piece of paper. Several note-cards should also contain the word KABOOM. As a conclusion activity students will take turns coming forward and drawing a piece of paper from the can. If they can successfully read the word on the card they may keep the paper and bring it back to their desk. They have won a point. If they cannot read the word they must place it back in the can. If a student draws a KABOOM card the student must yell KABOOM in a loud voice and give all of his accumulated cards (points) to the teacher. The game continues until all of the cards are read. The student with the most cards at his/her desk at the end of the game is the winner. Teacher may also note particularly difficult words for future drilling or in class practice depending on the time. Suggested second grade sight words can be found on page 249 of the teachers book.

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