Teaching Practice 2
Elementary (A1/2) level


In this lesson, students learn how to ask wh- questions using is/are/do/does and Present Simple. The previous lesson introduces the topic of living at home in the context of an article about a man who lives with his parents. The lesson starts with a discussion about typical questions you can ask to find out about someone (regarding name, age, nationality, living arrangements, etc). This is followed by eliciting wh- question words and how to use them. There is controlled practice through gap-filling and unjumbling exercises, followed by a Q&A speaking activity. Finally, there is additional speaking practice where students use key words to write complete questions and interview their partner.


Abc Clandfield, L. (2012). Straightforward Elementary Student's Book. 2nd ed. Macmillan
Abc Scrivener, J., Sayer, M. et al (2012). Straightforward Elementary Teacher’s Book. 2nd ed. Macmillan
Abc Tenant, A. (2012). Straightforward Elementary Workbook. 2nd ed. Macmillan

Main Aims

  • To introduce/review and give students practice in Present Simple wh-questions and short answers in the context of who we live with.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide accuracy speaking practice in an interview in the context of where you live, work and go at the weekend.


Warmer/Lead-in (5-8 minutes) • To get Ss interested and make a transition from the previous lesson

Brief review of present simple verbs by correcting last week's homework. Ss shown picture of unknown man and asked, "If you see this man for the first time, what will you ask him?" Elicit a full question and then divide Ss into pairs to discuss for 1 min. "You have 1 min". w/c FB. Ss shown three pictures of people of various ages, nationalities and occupations. "Choose one picture. Think of four questions to ask this person. With your partner, decide what the person will answer." Demonstrate with a strong pair. "You have 2 min." Then nominate three pairs for w/c FB.

Highlighting (2-3 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the target language

Show Ss the reading from the previous lesson and ask them to identify the two wh- questions. "What is this article about? (A man who lives with his parents) - Are there any questions here? (Yes, there are two questions) - What word does question 1 start with? Question 2? (What, Why)" Write the two questions words on WB. "What letters are found in both words?" (W and h)" Draw circle on WB and write 'Wh- Question Words'. Draw four arrows extending from circle and elicit additional words. "Do you know more Wh- question words? (Who - Where - When - How)" Explain that 'How' is included because it starts with a H. Drill pronunciation of question words.

Clarification (8-10 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of wh- questions

The meaning/purpose of six wh- questions will be elicited by showing Ss three example questions per word. For example: Where is Big Ben? Where do you go shopping? Where does he live? Ask, "When do we use 'where'?" (To talk about a place) The form will be elicited by giving Ss options, "Is 'where' at the beginning, middle or end of the question?" (The beginning / the first word) - "In question 1 what comes after 'where'?" (is) - "Can you see another verb?" (No) - "In question 2 what comes after 'where?'" (do) - "Is there another verb in this question?" (Yes; go). Repeat for question 3. Highlight that do/does are used after the question word when there is another verb. Clarify that is/are should be used when there is no second verb. Elicit that a subject comes after the verb. Individual and choral drilling.

Controlled Practice (5-8 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

Ss work individually to complete two gap-fill and unjumbling exercises. Peer check then w/c FB. Drill pronunciation.

Semi-Controlled Practice (10-12 minutes) • To concept check further and prepare students for free practice

Using the unjumbled questions in exercise 2, Ss interview the person seated directly in front of (or behind) them for 2 min. First demonstrate with S and then ask two Ss to demonstrate. Nominate a few Ss for w/c FB. Ss given a handout to guide them to formulate questions. individually. Peer check then w/c FB. Ss have 3 min to mingle and interview a partner making notes of their answers. w/c FB with an emphasis on self- and peer-correction.

Free Practice (8-10 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of asking and answering wh- questions

In groups of three, Ss change the questions to he/she questions. Ss mingle and ask questions about the first person they interviewed for 4-5 min. Record answers on second page of handout. w/c FB and then delayed language feedback on WB. If there is time, Ss can write a small profile about each other.

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