Hassan Mirmonsef Hassan Mirmonsef

Narrative Tenses
B2, Upper-intermediate level


In this lesson, students learn how to ask and answer questions using narrative tenses. The practice occurs in the context of films and books and students practice making questions about them. After introducing some essential vocabulary, students engage in redaing two short texts and further their practice through seaking activities.


Abc listening
Abc Gap-fill HO
Abc Matching HO
Abc Text-1 (HO-3)
Abc Short story (realia)
Abc color cut-outs
Abc WB
Abc handout- mingling (HO-4)
Abc slide
Abc color A-4 sheets

Main Aims

  • To provide practice of narrative tenses in the context of books and films

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide gist reading practice using a text about synopses of six stories in the context of books
  • To provide accuracy speaking practice in a sharing personal experience in the context of books and films


Warm up (3-4 minutes) • To change fixed position of sts and set the context in an engaging way.

T walks into the classroom while reading a book. T asks sts "Do you think it's a good idea to read a book as a hobby?" T groups sts by asking them to pick color cut-outs from the desk and find their partners. T instructs "share with your groupmates whether they like reading books. Ask detailed questions about the books they really liked."

elicitation (2-3 minutes) • To introduce the topic and find out what information sts are already familiar with

T elicits about the books sts talked about in their groups. T draws a big circle on WB and there are some smaller cicles connecting to the main one in the center. T elicits from sts "What questions did you ask your friends?" (T elicits from sts "I recently read one of Elif Safak's books called 'Fourty rules of Love'. How do you ask me about the book?") If sts cannot come up with an answer promptly, T clarifies "for example, how do you ask me about the writer if you do not know the writer?"

Ask and answer questions (4-6 minutes) • To practice language by asking and answering questions.

T instructs while chesting the gap-fill HO (HO-1) " There is a list of 10 answers that you are going to write questions for with a person sitting next to you." [ICQ: Do you do the exercise individually or in pairs? What should you write?] T puts sts in pairs then distributes Gap-fill handout (HO-1). T sticks some prompts matching HO (HO-2) to help sts with questions if they have not completed them yet. T instructs sts "I have the answers on the wall and you can stand up and find the answer. They are not in order."

Elicitation (3-4 minutes) • To activate sts' knowledge to make questions about another context (film)

T draws on the board another circle with a couple of other small ones around. T elicits from sts "How about if we want to talk about movies? what questions do you think we can ask about movies?" T distributes color sheets (A-4) to each group and asks them to draw a similar circle and write some questions." If sts do not have much idea, T gives some hints relating to films. "for example, you can ask about its director and actors."

Reading for specific info (2-3 minutes) • To find the answers to questions

T elicits from sts "what do we call text when some people on websites and newspapers write about books and movies?" T instructs sts "You read a book review about 'the Fallen Curtain. Some of the words are difficul, but I want you to guess the answers.'' T distributes text-1 (HO-3). ICQ: " Do you find the meaning of the words in the dictionary?" ICQ: "Do you answer questions individually or in pairs?"

Teaching vocabulary (5-7 minutes) • To clarify the meaning of vocabulary sts exposed to in reading the text

T elicits the words in the text from sts as written in language analysis.

Pre-teach vocabulary (3-3 minutes) • To help sts do skimming activity conveniently

T pre-teaches "cautious" and "possessive", " clingy" through miming.

Reading for skimming (4-5 minutes) • To match the titles with the short texts

T elicits the word synopses. "What do we call a brief summary of a movie or book?" T shows on the book he has brough to the class. T instructs "You read the short texts individually and match each synopsis with a title of the story. You wait and say your answers after 3 mins." ICQ: " Do you say your answers before I ask?" ICQ: " Do you need to understand all the words?"

Intonation (3-5 minutes) • To practice asking questions with a proper intonation

T asks sts to read some of the questions aloud. T encourages sts to pick a rising intonation while reading a sentence. T asks sts to act out diologues. If it doesn't work out, T plays the listening and asks sts to repeat the questions.

Speaking (5-6 minutes) • To talk about one book (or movie)

T instructs "Now, you can use the questions you already wrote about books (and movies) to ask your friends about their favorites and they answer with a short summary." ICQ: "To how many classmates are you ging to talk?" T plays music on his tablet to encourage sts to move around. (music: Le Quattro by Vivaldi)

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