News Stories
B2 Upper Intermediate level


In this session, students will be listening to news stories for gist, detailed and specific information to help answer questions. Students will also be speaking, using a variety of expressions whilst giving and receiving news.


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Main Aims

  • To provide gist, specific information and detailed in the context of News Stories

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide fluency and accuracy using spoken expressions for giving and receiving news in the context of News stories


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Teacher to show picture on OHP of a couple, based on news stories to set the context. Teacher elicits students to look at picture and think about what can be seen and what happened; to make clear that the event occurred in the past. (Students will have practised the tenses from the previous lesson to help with this part.) Teacher puts students in pairs to discuss what they can see and what they can predict happened by looking at the picture. Whole class feedback follows.

Pre-Teach Vocabulary (8-10 minutes) • To prepare students for the listening task to help make meaning and understanding more clear.

Teacher to use a variety of eliciting, gestures and visuals appropriate to help make meanings of some vocabulary clear. Teacher provides CCQ's where necessary. Teacher gestures where necessary. Teacher elicits and prompts answers where necessary - including visuals. Teacher writes all necessary vocabulary introduced on WB. Teachers drills and repeats vocabulary chorally.

While-Reading/Listening #1 (12-14 minutes) • To provide students with less challenging gist and specific information reading/listening tasks

Teacher first instructs students to read the six statements on Exercise.4 individually before they do the listening task, based on a radio news bulletin. Teacher hands out material for Ss to read. (1 min) Teacher monitors from a distance. Teacher now plays 1st listening task. Students to work in pairs and do peer check. Teacher plays 1st listening task again if necessary. Whole class feedback. Teacher uses another picture related to news stories from Student Book material to show on OHP, to set the scene for the 2nd listening task. Teacher elicits what Ss can see from the picture. Teacher pre-teaches 2nd part of the vocabulary to Ss using visuals, and eliciting responses from Ss. Teacher also uses examples where necessary. Teacher models, drills and repeats vocabulary to students chorally. Teacher tells students to pay close attention to only past tenses from the 2nd news bulletin, listening task. Teacher gives 2nd piece of material to students to read questions individually before listening. (1 min) Teacher monitors from a distance. Teacher now plays the 2nd news bulletin to students. Teacher puts Ss in pairs for peer check. Teacher monitors. Whole Class Feedback - Teacher plays 3rd recording to check answers. Teacher asks strong student the 1st question - strong student answers and asks next student a question and so on. (Students to practice question and answer approach here.)

While-Reading/Listening #2 (12-14 minutes) • To provide students with more challenging detailed, deduction and inference reading/listening tasks

Teacher tells students about using certain spoken expressions when telling or hearing the news. Teacher uses example news stories from material to elicit further meaning, including reacting to news. Teacher shows 'Spoken English' material on OHP and students to look at the expressions. Teacher models, drill and repeat expressions chorally and individually. Teacher tells students to work in pairs to match expressions with the headings. Teacher monitors. Teacher tells pairs to peer check. Whole Class feedback - show answers on OHP. Teacher asks students to read new material individually with more detail this time, and skim through to get the gist of the stories given to them. teacher monitors from a distance. Teacher models the giving and receiving activity with one strong student and asks what happened in the story. Strong student answers - Teacher gestures and reacts to news using appropriate spoken expression. Strong student practices reacting to news whilst asking another student what happened in the news story they had read. Whole Class feedback.

Post-Reading/Listening (10-12 minutes) • To provide with an opportunity to respond to the text to encourage fluency, accuracy and expand on what they've learned

Teacher asks students to work in pairs and practice giving and receiving news, using the spoken expressions already practiced. Teacher monitors. Whole class feedback - Teacher asks students to change pairs and give, react and ask for more information about what they had read from the stories to another student in the class.

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