Second Conditional Lesson
Intermediate level


In this lesson, students learn about the second conditional through task-based learning approach of a reading text about confessions. The lesson starts with a story.


Abc Youtube video
Abc Handouts
Abc Whiteboard
Abc markers

Main Aims

  • By the end of this lesson, students will have practiced using the second conditional to express wishes. This aim will be achieved by some controlled and freer exercises

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide students with the chance to practice speaking for fluency using the target language


Warmer/Lead-in (3 minutes) • To engage students into the lesson and develop their fluency

Begin the lesson with a story about a wallet that I found on the street. Ask the students what would they do if they were in my place. Ask students to discuss their answers in pairs. Elicit answers to get them engaged in the story.

Pre-teach Vocabulary (3 minutes) • To teach important vocabulary and blocking words to help students understand the text

Introduce two vocabulary: stationery and poker. Explain the meaning of the two words using realia and definition. Use CCQs: 1- stationery a. Do you know what are they called? b. Could you give me another example of office stationery? 2- poker a. Have you ever tried to play poker? show them a picture

Setting Context (5 minutes) • To introduce the text to the students

I will ask students if they want to read about other people's confessions. I will hand them the text and ask them to read the three questions before reading the text, so that they read with purpose. I will give them 3 minutes to read the passage and answer the questions. I will then give them 1 minute to discuss their answers together in pairs.

Introducing the target language (5 minutes) • To introduce the target language to the student

I will ask students to read the highlighted sentences in the passage so that I can introduce the target language. I will also ask them CCQs for two of the three sentence. 1- Did his boss find out? No 2- Is it something likely to happen? No 3- Is it hypothetical? Yes second sentence 1- Did her parents hear about her gambling? No 2- Is it something likely to happen? No 3- Is it hypothetical? Yes

Language Analysis (8-10 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the task language

I will start by reading the sentences and show them the intonation and the stress patterns. I will write one of the sentences on the board and draw a rising arrow to show the intonation. I will ask students to first listen to the sentences then repeat after me. I will explain the form by drawing a table to clarify parts of speech and make sure they understand the second if conditional form if + past form, ...would + infinitive.

Language Practice (15-20 minutes) • To provide students with controlled and freer practice of the task language

I will hand them out sheets of paper with controlled exercises on them. I will explain the exercise and use ICQs to make sure that they understand what they should do. 1- Are you going to fill in the gaps or match? match 2- Are you going to work alone or in pairs? alone I will give them 3 minutes to complete the exercise and then two minutes to check their answers together. I will then give them the answer key and ask them to check the answers. I will use a youtube video for the freer practice but first I will move students around to change seats. I will write a question from the video on the board then ask them to work in pairs then discuss the answers in the class.

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