Amelia Amelia

TP4 Listening
Upper Intermediate level


In this lesson, students will practice gist and detail listening skills through a series of activities related to the context of carbon footprints. They will also practice reading and speaking skills in both controlled and freer exercises, and will use integrated vocabulary to explore and discuss the context.


Abc Listening Text (Tony and Eddy)
Abc 3a Listening for Detail Multiple Choice HO
Abc Vocabulary List
Abc Powerpoint with lead-in and listening text audio
Abc List of Tony and Eddy's opinions on reducing carbon footprints
Abc Vocabulary Definitions
Abc 2a Reading (How Big is Your Carbon Footprint?)
Abc Reading Discussion Questions
Abc Gist Listening Questions

Main Aims

  • To provide gist and detailed listening practice in a relevant context, carbon footprints

Subsidiary Aims

  • To practice speaking and reading skills in the context of the lesson (carbon footprints)


Stage 1 (Warmer/Lead-in) (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context (carbon footprints) and generate students' interest in the topic

-Project image of things that generate carbon footprints -Elicit: CO2 (What do we call this?) -Ask a S what they ate for breakfast, and circle the food -Calculate the number -Repeat for a few students -Elicit "Carbon Footprint": What do we call the amount of carbon something or someone puts into the atmosphere? (carbon footprint) -CCQ: Who has the largest carbon footprint, of the breakfasts we calculated?

Stage 2 (Vocab Pre-Teaching) (5-8 minutes) • To prepare students for words they will encounter in the listening text

-Give SS HO of vocabulary words -SS circle words that they know (1 min) -In pairs, compare words. SS teach each other words they don't know, and mark ones neither of them know -Give definitions and have them check ones they didn't know -Ask WC which words they didn't know. Write on board. Go through and ask SS to raise hand if they know any of the words on the board. Ask SS to teach the class the word. Monitor for understanding and correct if necessary. CCQ as needed (see Vocabulary Language Analysis for CCQs) -Drill a few words I hear SS mis-pronouncing (possibilities: "inevitable," "ethical"). Write on board and indicate stress.

Stage 3 (Reading) (5-7 minutes) • To further prepare students for the context of the listening text, and to provide gist reading practice

-Mix up groups a little (select every third student and have them stand up and find a new seat) -Give SS the reading and 2 discussion questions -SS have 1 minute to read the text -SS work in groups of 3 to answer/discuss the questions -Draw a web on the board with the phrase "reducing carbon footprints" in the middle. Nominate students to come up and write ways to reduce footprints, either from the reading or their own ideas

Stage 4 (Gist Listening) (6-10 minutes) • To practice gist listening skills in the context we have been discussing

-Bridge from reading and idea generation: tell SS the listening text will be about two students discussing reducing carbon footprints -Introduce Tony and Eddy, and tell a little about each so SS can ID them (Eddy is going on a trip. Tony is telling Eddy about his carbon footprint. Tony knows a lot about carbon footprints and sustainability) -Give SS gist listening HOs and play listening text -SS check answers in pairs (2 mins) -Nominate 2 SS to answer questions CCQs: -Which man is really passionate about making sustainable choices? -Which man is a little skeptical about some choices we can make to reduce our carbon footprint?

Stage 5 (Detail Listening) (10-15 minutes) • To practice detail listening skills in the context of carbon footprints, especially practicing listening for how speakers give opinions and reasons

-Give SS 3b HO -SS listen to the text again and complete the multiple choice activity -SS check answers with their partners -Nominate SS to answer #1. Tell SS to nominate someone to do #2, etc. For a few answers, ask SS to give reasons why they chose that answer (what they heard)

Stage 6 (Speaking) (8-10 minutes) • To give students an opportunity to respond to the text through discussion, while also practicing speaking fluency skills

-Number SS one and twos. Have ones stand in circle facing out. Have twos face them. If uneven number, pair one S with another (they will move as one person) -Read an opinion either Tony or Eddy has. SS discuss with partner they are facing whether they agree or disagree, and why. When I clap, I will give a new topic and the outside circle will move. -ICQ: People on the inside of the circle, will you move? (no) People on the outside, will you move? (yes) Will you discuss the same topic every time I clap? (no) Will you get a new topic every time? (yes) Is it important to listen after I clap so you know what you're talking about?? (Yes!)

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