Aboughalia Mousheira Aboughalia Mousheira

Language Focus ENG 101
Pre A1 level


In this lesson SS listen for gist then listen for detail. This is followed by asking for and giving opinions. Finally SS are to write sentences about the topic


Abc cardboard dice
Abc flashcards
Abc Gap-fill hand out
Abc cardboard dice
Abc flashcards
Abc Gap-fill hand out

Main Aims

  • To pUse phrases for asking and answering questions about opinions – What do you think of my new smartphone? I think it’s beautiful

Subsidiary Aims

  • Understand conversations in which people give opinions on technology ● Use main stress correctly when expressing opinions – I think so too. I disagree.


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

I think red meat is healthy. I think Japan is beautiful. I think shopping is interesting. I think smartphones are cheap in this country. Underline: I think in each sentence. Cover the part saying: I think. Ask: Is this true? Uncover I think and indicate yourself and that I think means this is your opinion. Take a class vote on each sentence. Change these sentences to refl ect the vote results, e.g. We don’t think red meat is healthy. We think Japan is beautiful. Drill the new sentences.

Pre-Listening (10-12 minutes) • To prepare students for the text and make it accessible

T.Focuses on the photographs and the tick boxes. T. Plays the audio for students to listen and write 1, 2 or 3 in each tick box. Play the audio again if necessary. Go through answers as a class.

While Listening #1 (10-12 minutes) • To provide students with less challenging gist and specific information reading/listening tasks

Focus on the three dialogues. Play the audio for students to read and listen to the texts again. Focus on the sentences below the text. Read the first sentence aloud. Say: Yes or no? in a questioning tone. Elicit the correct answer (Yes). Students work individually, reading the text and circling Yes or No. Students work in pairs and check their answers.

Post-Listening (8-10 minutes) • To provide with an opportunity to respond to the text and expand on what they've learned

Write: I need a new app ___ study English. on the board. Elicit the missing preposition (to). If students can’t remember, point out Osman’s first sentence. Focus on the NOTICE box. Point out the highlighted words. Give students a minute to read the information there. Focus on the questions and possible answers in the table. Play the audio for students to listen to the questions and answers. Encourage students to follow the audio by pointing at each word in the book as they hear it. Drill the questions and answers Focus on the words under the line and use appropriate hand gestures to indicate that students need to reorder the words. Read the completed example aloud. Demonstrate reordering the sentence and writing it on the line. Students work individually and write the correct answers on the lines. Monitor and check students’ spelling and use of full stops. Play the audio for students to check their answers. Go through answers as a class.

Wrap up (8-10 minutes) • to focus on what learners have studied

Divide the class into Student As and Student Bs. Tell As to turn to p. 202 and Bs to turn to p. 205. Focus on the REMEMBER box. Read through the phrases as a class. Demonstrate the exercise with a student. Point to the sentences and say: English grammar is easy. What do you think? Elicit a response from the student, e.g. Yes, you’re right. / I don’t think so. Students work in pairs and ask and answer questions about the four opinions on each role play card. Monitor and correct any errors. Take a class vote at the end of the lesson

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