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How are seasons different?
Grade 2, A1 level


In this lesson students(Ss) will learn about seasons, weather and seasonal activities. The lesson starts with the revision of last lesson. There are some lexis which need to be taught before Ss watch the Big Question video. Hence, T shows the visuals on the Discover Poster. Ss look at the pictures and try to guess the places, seasons and what children do in the pictures. Teacher helps them tell the weather conditions.Then T elicits the activities which are related to the seasons. Then the teacher gives them a gist question "how are seasons different?" before Ss watch the Big Question video. After Ss have watched the video, they try to answer the question. Then T asks them what they see in the picture on their books to elicit some seasonal activities and to activate their existing knowledge of the topic. Ss will try to give answer for critical thinking questions in the book. Then the words related to the topic are presented by the T and they practice the words by listening and doing exercises in their books. In the end they are given a task (from their Work Book) to practice the TL they have learned in the lesson.


Abc Big Question DVD
Abc Oxford Discover Poster
Abc Oxford Discover 1 Workbook
Abc Oxford Discover 1 Student's Book

Main Aims

  • To provide clarification and practice of seasons, seasonal activities and weather in the context of seasons

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide fluency speaking practice in a conversa in the context of seasons


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

T starts asking questions about the previous lesson to elicit "what" and "who" question forms. Then T looks at the window and elicits weather conditions. - How is the weather today? - Do you think it is cold outside? - Do you think it is hot outside?

Exposure (8-10 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation

T shows the Discover Poster and elicits some words related to the target language. Ss read the captions and they try to answer T' s questions. - What do you see in this poster? - Are there any trees in these pictures? - What are the people doing next to the pool? - How is the weather? - What do you do on a sunny/cold/ day? - Do you see a snowman? When do you build a snowman? - What is your favourite picture and why?

Highlighting (4-6 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the target language

T shows the picture in their Student's Book and asks the Big Question. Then T tells the Ss to watch the video and think about the question " how are seasons different?" After they watch it, they talk about the picture, they tell their ideas about seasons. They try to answer the questions in the book. - Do you like to play outside? Where? - What colour are the leaves? Why? - How many seasons do you know? - What season is it now?

Clarification (8-10 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

T shows the pictures on the book and elicits them. Then Ss listens to the words and they repeat the words. T uses the activities from iTools to practice the words and too have fun in the class.

Controlled Practice (8-10 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

Ss practice the words from their workbooks and they match the words with the pictures.

Semi-Controlled Practice (8-10 minutes) • To concept check further and prepare students for free practice

Ss do the puzzle exercise in their workbooks. T asks questions to expand the topic here and to make them use the target language by giving the opposites of the words.

Revision - Feedback • To review what they have learned in the lesson

T asks questions to review the new words and to make them more clear for each student. To provide Ss feedback on their performance. T shows some student errors on the board and correct them with the class and encourages the good examples.

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