Gloria Kyoyeta mirembe Gloria Kyoyeta mirembe

present perfect continuous with for and since
intermediate level


In this lesson students will learn how to use the present perfect continuous with for and since. They will have a controlled practice where they will have to re write the sentences using the present perfect continuous tense. Then they will have a freer practice where they will mingle and ask each other questions using how long.


Abc text of the 9 o'clock news, HO with exercise, cards for mingling.

Main Aims

  • To provide clarification and practice of the present perfect continuous tense in the context of hijacked plane and traffic

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide accuracy speaking practice in a asking and answering questions with the present perfect continuous using for and since in the context of life


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To engage students

project the picture a hijacked plane and in pairs, students talk about what they would do if they were one of the passengers.

Highlighting (3-5 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the target language

Remind students of the recording they listened to in the previous lesson. Tell them that they will get the transcript of the recording and should underline all sentences with the word BEEN. Give the hand out and let them read it quickly and do the task.Students compare their sentences with their partners and the teacher nominates different students to read the sentences.

Clarification (8-10 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

Teacher writes two of the model sentences on board. 1.the hostages have now been sitting in the plane without food or water for three days. 2. Traffic in west London has been growing steadily since early this morning. first, the teacher asks the students to look at the two sentences and tell the difference between for and since. The teacher asks" when did the hostages sit in the plane? (three days ago). were they in the plane yesterday? (yes) are they in the plane now? (yes) will they be in the plane tomorrow? ( probably yes but we don't know). So what do we call this tense? (present perfect continuous) teacher draws a timeline for clarification and marks the different points. for the second model sentence, when did the traffic begin, (in the morning) is the traffic still there? (yes) will the traffic be there tomorrow? (probably yes but we don't know) The teacher then elicits the form from the students and writes it on the board. The teacher also elicits the negative form and the question form and writes them on board. Ask students which words they think are stressed or connected, mark these on the whiteboard. Then drill for pronunciation, emphasizing the connected speech.

Controlled Practice (8-10 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

Tell students that they will get a HO with sentences on it and they have to re write the sentences using present perfect continuous with either for or since. Give the handout and students do the exercise individually. when they done, they peer check and teacher nominates students to say the correct answer.

Free Practice (10-15 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

Tell students that they will play a game. each student will get one card with three different sentences on it. student A asks their questions to student B (using how long), who should reply with either for or since.after asking all the questions on the card, students swap cards and go ask other students. students mingle and ask each other questions until each student has spoken to everybody. Meanwhile the teacher monitors and notes down any errors the students are making. When the activity has ended, students sit down and the teacher writes some errors on the WB which students should correct.

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