Roya Roya

Upper Intermediate level


In this lesson, there is a review of all modals and their meanings. Moreover, some other verbs that express the same ideas as modals are introduced. The lesson starts with a listening activity that is later used to highlight the language. Then the target language is clarified through eliciting and guided discovery. Finally, there is a controlled practice of the target language.


Abc HO1
80mfgdghq6upj2nc4lmh ho2 HO2
Qxqx0il4quadbefl4tzt ho3 HO3
Q1klhyudtce7gtmq35qv ho4 HO4
Asynlcwosmeki8awrsak ho5 HO5
Pujvegrlthaexxthjim9 ohp OHP

Main Aims

  • To provide a review of modal verbs and a clarification of verbs and expressions related to modals in the context of a listening text about two people who have problems with getting along

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide gist listening practice using a text about getting along in the context of two people who have problems with getting along with other people


Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

-have the projector ready to use in different stages of the lesson -project a picture of two people who have problems in getting along (OHP) -look at these people -who are they? -what are they talking about? -are there any problems? -what is the problem? -speak about these in your pairs -ss talk about the pictures in pairs -WC FB -so, can they get along well?

Exposure (5-8 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a listening text

-listen to the conversations between these people -what are the problems? -ss listen to the conversations -discuss the problems in pairs -monitor -WC FB

Highlighting (5-8 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the target language

-make groups of 3 -underline all modal verbs (HO1) -ICQ: Are you going to underline all verbs? [No] -pass out HO1 -ss underline the modals -monitor -check in groups -WC FB -read two similar conversations -underline the expressions that are used instead of modals (HO2) -ICQ: Which expressions do you underline? [Related to modals] -pass out HO2 -ss underline expressions related to modals -monitor -check in groups -WC FB

Clarification (13-15 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

-project the blank table of modals and related verbs on the WB (OHP) -look at the table -what do these words mean? -put the underlined modal and related expressions into correct categories -set an example -do it in pairs -ICQ: Which words do you put into categories? [underlined ones] Do you do it with a partner? [Yes] -pass out HO3 -ss do the task -monitor -ss check in groups -WC FB -here are some sentences -in your groups put them into correct categories -ICQ: Do you work alone? [No] Do you put the sentences into categories? [Yes] -pass out the pieces of paper (HO4) -ss match the sentences with categories -monitor -stand up. check other groups answers -WC FB -which group wins? -project the table with answers on the WB (OHP) -clarify the meaning -CCQ: -elicit and clarify the form -elicit and clarify the pronunciation -drill the pronunciation

Controlled Practice (7-10 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

-work in pairs -here are some sentences with gaps (HO5) -which of these can fill the gap correctly? -cross out the incorrect ones -there are usually more than one answers ICQ: Do you work alone? [No] Is there only one answer for every gap? [No] -pass out HO5 -ss fill the gaps in pairs -monitor -check in pairs -WC FB

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