Babak Jahanaray Babak Jahanaray

Speaking (second conditional)
Intermediate B1 level


In this lesson, Ss will do 3 different speaking activities mostly in a game-like situation and practice 2nd conditional's meaning, form, and pronunciation. The activities which I've chosen are mostly semi-controlled and freer practices for the previous grammar lesson.


Abc Cards for freer
Abc "what would you do" cards

Main Aims

  • To provide speaking for accuracy

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide practice of Second conditionals


Lead-in (4-5 minutes) • To remind Ss of their previously learned grammar

I will tell Ss about my family, that I don't have a brother and that I would love to have someone to play tennis with. After eliciting the sentence and asking a couple of CCQs I will get down to my own speaking tasks straightaway.

Setup (2-3 minutes) • To prepare learners by modeling the activity and introducing useful language

Ss will play the 'what would you do' game but they will start with listening to a model of the game. I will give clear instructions and ask ICQs.

Practice activity (9-10 minutes) • To provide the students with a chance to practice the grammar and improve their speaking accuracy

Ss will be divided into groups of 4 and sit in a circle. They will have a set of game cards each, facing down. One student will start with a card, look at it, tell his/her answer, and pass the card along until all 4 have given their answer. The game will go on with the other cards. I will monitor silently and take notes of any errors.

Feedback and error correction (4-5 minutes) • To help Ss improve their accuracy

I will ask Ss to give me some answers very quickly. I will write some sentences on the board and ask them to correct any wrong sentence. In this stage, I will focus both on form and pronunciation.

Setup (2-3 minutes) • To model the activity and introduce useful language

Ss will listen to a model of the game. I will give instructions and ask ICQs to make sure everything goes right.

Practice activity (6-7 minutes) • To provide the students with a chance to practice the grammar and improve their speaking accuracy

Ss will regroup on my command. In their new groups, they will sit in a circle again, and use the cards to play the game. They will pick a card, without showing it to others, will try to explain it using the sentences like If we didn't have this... The others have to find out what the word is.

Feedback and error correction (3-4 minutes) • To help Ss improve their accuracy

The same process like the previous FB stage. This time I might ask 3 or 4 Ss to come to the board and correct the sentences.

Setup (2-3 minutes) • To prepare learners by modeling the activity and introducing useful language

Ss will again listen to a model of the game. Naturally, I will ask ICQs and let them start the activity.

Practice activity (7-8 minutes) • To provide the students with a chance to practice the grammar more freely

Ss will be given some situations for which they have to come up with an answer in second conditional. They will do it in pairs to ensure more STT. I will monitor and take notes.

Feedback and error correction (3-4 minutes) • To help Ss improve their accuracy

I will ask some Ss to give their answers and nominate each other to give answers. Delayed error correction will follow with pair check and O/C FB.

If-time activity (7-8 minutes) • To ensure learning and give more chance to talk to Ss

The stages of this activity will be just like the previous three. The only different thing is how they will do it. Ss will give advice to each other with "if I were you..."

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