Melisa Melisa

Arranging an Evening Out
A1-A2 level


In this lesson, students will be presented with functional language of arranging an evening out through a video they will watch. Functional language will be clarified (MFP) and students will practice the language in semi-controlled and freer speaking activities.


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Main Aims

  • To clarify and provide controlled and free practice of functional language in the context of arranging an evening out.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide gist and detailed listening through the context of arranging an evening out with colleagues, To provide speaking practice by using the target language


Lead in (4-5 minutes) • To generate interest in the topic of the listening

-T introduces herself. -T recalls ss' names. -T asks: "What are the best places in İstanbul to go out?" "Any plans after lesson today?" "How often do you go out?" -T divides SS in pairs. -T gives the discussion questions. -Ss discuss the questions in pairs.

Listening Task (9-10 minutes) • To introduce the target language via a listening task

-T shows the picture of Andy and his colleagues. -T asks: "What are they talking about? Any guesses?" -"Are they arranging an event maybe? Who invites who? Will they say yes / no?" -T gives the questions to SS and tells them that they are going to watch a video about Andy and his colleagues. -T tells them to look at the questions first and then watch the video. -After watching it once, T asks: When is the evening out? Does each person say yes or no? -T opens the video again, wants SS to tell the reason each person gives for saying yes/no. -Get WC FB.

Highlighting Target Language (4-5 minutes) • To highlight the target language by eliciting from the video

-T asks SS about the video they have watched. -What did Andy try to do? How? -Elicit invitation. -Were people polite to each other? -How did you understand they were polite? -Did they like the arrangement? -Do they like the boss, Peter?

Clarifying Target Language (9-10 minutes) • To clarify meaning of target language, model and provide controlled practice of pronunciation, highlight form

T asks CCQ's to check SS' understanding. -Is this an invitation or a recommendation? (invitation) -Is something bad going to happen if you say no? (no) -Is it optional or is it a must? (optional) -Is it polite or rude? (polite) -Is it an invitation? (yes) -Is he asking for a favour? (no) -Do they like the boss? (no) T drills the functional language, corporal, in pairs, individual. -Do you want to go for a pizza? -Sounds good! -I'm busy. -Maybe another time. -Would you like to come? -We'd love to! T writes the sentences on the board. Shows stress.

Language Practice (15-16 minutes) • To provide controlled and semi controlled oral practice of the target language

Controlled Practice -T gets SS to do the 3rd activity (gap filling) on the HO. -Peer check. -T divides ss into 2 groups. (A & B) -AK for the first 5 questions are given to the group A. -AK for the rest of the questions are given to the group B. -Ss tell/ask each other the correct answers. Semi-controlled Practice -T gives the 2nd handout. -In pairs, SS do the exercise 4a, SS have a conversation. -T monitors and takes notes for error correction. Freer Practice -SS turn the page and in groups of 3 they arrange a meal out for their class. -They can use the restaurants in the HO or they can use the places in İstanbul as well. -T gets WC feedback from every group. -SS get to vote which arrangement is the best for them. -SS tell why.

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