Nataliia Nataliia

Life stories_TP6
Elementary level


In this lesson, the students will learn and practice using the verb 'to be' in past simple. Grammar will be clarified in the form of MFP and will be followed by controlled, semi-controlled and freer speaking practice.


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Main Aims

  • To provide the students with clarification and practice of the auxiliary verb 'to be' in past simple tense in the context of life stories.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide the students with detailed reading practice, controlled, semi-controlled and freer speaking practice of the verb 'to be' in past simple in the context of life stories.


Lead-in (2-3 minutes) • To set the context of the lesson and to generate students' interest in it.

- T asks students which TV programs they used to watch as children: Which TV shows did you like in your childhood? Which ones did you hate? What were they about? The T provides models of past simple, but doesn't actively teaches or corrects the students yet. After brainstorming the names of the old TV shows, T asks SS to discuss what they were about in PW. After discussion, T asks the SS what their partners told them.

Prediction task. (2-3 minutes) • To encourage the SS to predict the famous children's age and occupation and think about the content of the text.

- T elicits from the SS words: composer, ice skater, twins. Then the T shows the SS the picture of amazing children from the quiz they are going to do with OHP and asks them to predict their age and occupation (variants are given on the top of the slide: a pop group, an actress, etc. T asks the SS to discuss it in PW before asking WC.

Reading task: the quiz about amazing children. (6-8 minutes) • To provide the SS with detailed reading practice and to set context for the target language.

- T tells SS they will do a quiz in groups and they need to read and decide on the right answer all together. It's a competition and the group that gets all the answers right wins. T gives SS 3 min to complete the task and then checks WC with the help of listening to the recording. T asks the SS which group got all the answers right and discusses the questions students had problems with.

Highlighting target lanugage (2-3 minutes) • To highlight the TL using a guiding task.

- T asks the SS to look back at the quiz and asks again where the composer Mozart was from and then asks if he is still alive. T asks the students if this sentence is in the present tense or in past tense. T elicits from the students which word in the sentence shows us it's in the past tense (was from) and what kind of verb it is ('to be').

Clarification of target language (4-6 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, highight the form and model and provide controlled practice of pronunciation of the target language.

- The T writes two marker sentences with was/were on the WB, asks SS some CCQs and puts the timeline under them to indicate that both sentences are in the past. - The T elicits and writes conjugation of the verb 'to be' in the past on the WB. - The T models and drills positive, negative, question forms of was/were and the short answers using was/were in the past simple.

Controlled Practice (5-7 minutes) • To provide controlled practice of the verb 'to be' past forms - was/were.

- T gives SS handouts with the controlled practice task, allows SS 3-4 min to complete it, thens asks SS to do peer check and then checks it WC and does error correction where needed.

Semi-Controlled Practice (5-7 minutes) • To concept check further and prepare students for freer practice using past forms of the verb 'to be' - was/were

- The T gives instructions and passes the HO with the semi controlled practice. Students work in pairs and then listen to the recording to check their answers.

Free speaking practice using the past forms of the verb 'to be' - was/were. (8-10 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

- T asks students to stand up. Relaxing music is playing, SS are at the party. They mingle, ask each other questions from the semi-controlled practice task and talk about their life events in the past.

Feedback and delayed error corretction. (3-5 minutes) • To provide SS with FB on the free speaking practice and delayed error correction.

- T asks the SS what interesting information they learned about their classmates and does the delayed error correction of the mistakes T noticed while monitoring the speaking practice.

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