Zelal Zelal

TP8 - Vocabulary Lesson
Pre-Intermediate level


In this lesson students learn adjectives to describe places in the context of cities. The lesson starts with a warmer in which students talk in pairs about what tourists should do and shouldn't do when they visit Turkey. This is followed by a vocabulary practice handout and then teacher clarifies the language. Next students do a puzzle with the adjectives and this is followed by a listening practice where students listen for specific information and try to find out which adjectives the speaker mentioned. In the end students will practice speaking through a given situation.


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Main Aims

  • To provide clarification and practice of adjectives in the context of cities

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide specific information listening practice using an audio about Scotland in the context of cities
  • To provide accuracy speaking practice in a conversations in the context of cities


Warmer (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Instruction: I want you to talk to the friend sitting next to you and discuss on what tourists should and should not do when they visit Turkey. For example, a tourist should taste baklava, it's very delicious! You have two minutes. --- Now please tell us what your friend came up with. Teacher asks students to talk to friends sitting next to them, and discuss for two minutes what should/shouldn't tourists do when they visit Turkey. Then each student report back to classroom what their partners said.

Exposure (8-10 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation

Instruction: Look at these words in the table. There are four word groups. Please put the words under the correct group. Some words can go in more than one group. Teacher gives students a handout and asks them to complete it in pairs. Then teacher gives pairs the key and asks them to check their answers. Then teacher elicits answers.

Clarification (8-10 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

Teacher gives definitions/examples and elicits the words from the students. Then teacher clarifies the meaning, form and pronunciation of the words by showing on the board. CCQ's will be as follows; If a city has many factories can we call it industrial? yes If a city is called highly developed, can we say it’s industrial? yes Is it good to drive fast? no Can you hurt yourself if you drive fast? yes Is the air in cities dirty? yes Is the air in cities dangerous to people’s health? yes Is the place full of people from other cities or countries? yes Does the place have many things for these people to do and buy? yes Do I like it? no Do many people from different countries visit London? -yes Are there many restaurants and shops in such cities? -yes Were people nice to me? yes Did they make me feel good? yes Do people in Amsterdam feel worried? -no Do people in Amsterdam feel stressed? no Do British show feelings to other people? no Do you show that you are sad? no Do I feel very cold? yes Is it in winter? yes Can it be rainy in April? yes Can it be sunny in April? yes Can one feel cold? yes Can one feel hot? yes Do I like the food? yes Do I think it’s nice? yes Does Indian food taste hot? yes Does Indian food taste peppery? yes Did I like the food in the hotel? no Did it taste good? no Is my hair covered in water? yes Did they answer my questions? yes Did they show me where to go? yes Is drinking milk good for you? yes Can windy weather make you feel cold? yes Do leaves move when it’s windy? yes Were they many people in the street? yes

Controlled Practice (8-10 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

Instruction: Look at the handout. There's a puzzle. You'll check the definitions and find thr words, then write them into the columns. - Please check your answers from the key papers that are on the wall. Teacher gives students a handout with a puzzle on it. Students do the puzzle individually for 5 minutes. Then teacher puts the key on the wall and asks students to check answers.

Semi-Controlled Practice (8-10 minutes) • To concept check further and prepare students for free practice

Instructions: 1. work in groups, what do you know about Scotland? Answer the questions in groups. 2. Bruce is in Sweden for business, and he's talking to a friend. Listen and check your answers. 3. Which group has the most correct answers? 4. Listen again and tick the adjectives in 1 that Bruce uses to describe Edinburgh, the food, the people and the weather. Teacher has 3 different handouts. In the first one, students are asked to answer some questions in groups. Later, teacher makes students listen to an audio and asks them to check their answers. Teacher gives each group the key and asks which group has the most correct answers. Then students listen again and tick the adjectives; then teacher elicits the answers.

Free Practice (8-10 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

Instruction: Work with a partner. Choose adjectives from each group in exercise 1 to describe Istanbul and its food, people, and weather. -- Now walk around the classroom and talk to other friends about your ideas. Teacher gives students a handout with instructions. Asks students to work in pairs and choose adjectives from each group in exercise 1 to describe Istanbul, its food, people and weather. Then teacher asks students to talk to other students in the classroom and share ideas.

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