zahra zahra

The world's luckiest man
Intermediate B1 level


In this lesson, Ss will practice listening and its sub-skills including gist listening, listening for specific information and detailed listening. They will listen to a radio news and learn to find specific words, phrases and answer to some questions related to the whole meaning of the audio. After that, Ss are going to learn the meaning of some words and phrases by matching to their meanings.


Abc Audio, track 1.30 & 1.31 for listening

Main Aims

  • In this lesson, Ss will learn how to listen to a radio news to know about the whole subject, to understand specific information as well as getting detailed comprehension. They also have opportunity to discuss the subject of listening in pairs and learn some related new vocabulary.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide Ss with vocabulary through listening and doing exercises.


Warmer/Lead-in (5-7 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

- T greets the Ss by calling their names - T asks Ss do you think the person in this video is really unlucky or not. The T shows a video to create interest in the lesson topic and to prepare Ss for that. - T divides Ss to some pairs and asks them to discuss these questions together: 1- Do you know anyone who is particularly unlucky? 2- When was the last time that you were unlucky? - T asks Ss to look at a photo and news headline and discuss in pairs what has happened to the man to make him the luckiest man in the world. - T asks pairs to tell their ideas

Pre-Listening (2-3 minutes) • To prepare students for the text and make it accessible

T shows a picture of lottery ticket and asks Ss about that to make sure all of them know lottery. Then T asks 2 CCQs to get sure: - Do people buy lottery tickets to win money? - Are the winners known as lucky on unlucky?

While-Listening (18-24 minutes) • To provide students with less challenging gist and then specific information listening tasks

-T pre-teaches the words "plough into", "explode", "haystack" and "corpse" by eliciting. - T asks Ss to listen to the first part of the news to answer 2 questions: 1- What did he win? 2- what did he buy? - T plays the track. Ss will have time to discuss the answer before telling that to the class. -T asks Ss to listen to the rest of the news to take some short quick notes of every accident, after asking ICQs, T plays the track. - T monitors Ss' notes to see they understand key information or not. If there is an acceptable FB, T nominate pairs to tell to W/C their findings. (one S from each pair). - T tells Ss to listen to know what other things have happened to Selak to make him the - T plays the rest of the track. - T tells Ss that they are going to have a competition. Then makes two groups by naming 1 and 2 to them and grouping all 1s in one group and 2s in another. - T gives handouts of cut paper each including an accident. 4 accident is randomly given to group 1 and 4 rest cut papers to group 2. T writes 1 to 8 on the board and says when listening to the audio, come and put accidents in correct order. Then T plays the track 31 for the second time. -T gives audio transcripts to Ss as FB. -T puts two questions on the board and asks groups to discuss the answers. After 2 minutes T asks one S from each group to tell the idea of their group to W/C. 1- How many accidents was selak involved in? 2- In what way is his latest piece of good luck different to all the other good luck stories?

Post-Listening (6-8 minutes) • To provide Ss with an opportunity to respond to the text and expand on what they've learned

- T gives handouts including a matching word exercise to Ss and asks them to match words to their definitions. T asks Ss to work in group to do so.

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