Jerelynn Jerelynn

Vocab Main/Reading and Speaking Sub
Intermediate level


In this lesson students will learn vocabulary words pertaining to injuries in the context of twists of fate. Controlled and freer practice will be performed. There will be a small speaking exercise followed by reading for gist and scanning for information.


Abc Cartoon for Matching Exercise

Main Aims

  • To provide clarification of injury terms in the context of twists of fate

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide gist and scan reading practice (if time allows) on the topic of injuries in the context of twists of fate (luck). Will also provide some speaking practice.


Lead In/Building Context (3-5 minutes) • To generate interest in the topic of the text.

Is all luck good? What are some examples of bad luck? I want you to look at this photo and tell me if you think this guy has good luck or bad luck. Show photo. What do you think? Does sometimes bad luck lead to good luck?? People say I am unlucky because I am always injuring myself. I'm clumsy, like this guy *point to the pic of his tripping*. I have broken the same leg 3 times. Has anyone else had bad luck that resulted in hurting yourself??

Listening Task (5-6 minutes) • To highlight the target language by use of a guiding task

Tell the students to listen to the clip and listen for a theme of the clip. "Do you think the guy is lucky or unlucky" "What do you think happened next?" Play the audio clip. Ask for FB regarding pre-listening tasks. "So what do we call it when we hurt ourselves?" (injuries) Tell them that today we are going to be reviewing some words related to injuries.

Clarifying the target language (15-18 minutes) • Clarify the meaning, model pronunciation, and highlight the form of the words related to injuries

Produce photos on the whiteboard of various injuries. The words to elicit are bleeding, bruise, black eye, scratches, sprained, shock, twisted ankle, and unconscious. For each photo elicit the word by using questions related to the photo. Model the word. Drilling. "Say it with me." as a class then nominate individuals. CCQ's for each photo. Refer to language analysis sheet. Write the word on the side of the board while photo is still up. How many syllables does the word have? Where's the stress? Part of speech? Address collocations (grouping of words that usually appear together) on the words black eye, sprained wrist, and twisted ankle.

Language Practice (15-18 minutes) • Provide controlled/less controlled practice of the words related to injuries.

Give students instructions on the matching exercise, working alone. It's pretty straightforward, don't ask too many silly ICQ's...just ensure they know this activity is working alone. Handout the exercise. Give approximately 3 min. Monitor. Put the matching cartoon on the WB (part of the Powerpoint). Ask for volunteers to come up and write the number in the correct box. WC FB. The photos are a bit obscure so there should be some discussion. Divide the class down the middle into two groups: good luck and bad luck. Tell students if they are in the good luck group to partner with someone from the bad luck group. Tell them "you are going to put the man's injuries in order of seriousness. 1 being most serious, 8 being least serious. Write a cline on the board to visualize this concept asking for the most serious as an example. Ask ICQs. Give approx 3 minutes to complete. Get WC FB and fill in the cline on the WB. Tell the class to stay with their partners, one of you is going to be A one is going to B. Use chesting to show the handout. Read the instructions for person A. Read the instructions for B. Tell them to then exchange roles. Ask ICQ's: "Who are you working with?" "One of you is A and the other is....?" "Person A is going to choose what? (injury) and then what (explain how it happened). What's person B going to do? (decide which injury their partner is talking about). Give an example. Handout Exercise 3. Monitor while they discuss. Remind to use on only English. Allow approx 3 minutes. Elicit FB from students.

Reading for gist (if time allows) (7-9 minutes) • Encourage students to get an overview of the main idea

Quickly lead-in on the topic of bad luck. Ask if the students feel lucky or unlucky? Maybe ask for an example of bad luck. Going to show you a photo of a man. I want you to look at the photo and the title of the article. What do you think has happened to make this man the world's luckiest man?? Show the headline and photo of article (Powerpoint). Elicit FB from students. I'm going to give you a copy of the article (chesting). Read the article quickly to find out if any of your ideas were correct. You have 3 minutes. ICQs: "Are you reading quickly to find the main idea or are you going to read in detail? How many minutes?" Elicit whole class FB.

Reading for specific information (if time allows) (5-8 minutes) • To practice scanning for specific information

Chesting to show students the handout. Tell them that they are to scan the text for these words and to determine the definitions from the options below. Point out that the line numbers are listed so that they can scan the article easier. Allow 3 minutes. Ask ICQ's: "Are you reading this is detail or are you scanning for certain words?" If students started the activity but the class is running out of time. Elicit a few answers. Then give the answer key so students can check their answers.

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