Nataliia Nataliia

Shopping basket TP3
Intermediate level


In this receptive skills lesson, SS will practice several reading techniques: reading for gist, reading for detailed comprehension and scanning the text for specific information on the topic of nation's shopping basket. At the end of the lesson SS will practice their productive skills in the freer speaking practice in the context of past, present and future of Turkish shopping basket.


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Main Aims

  • To provide gist, detailed and scanning for specific information reading practice in the context of shopping.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide fluency speaking practice in a discussion in the context of typical Turkish shopping basket.


Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Ask WC to to come up with Top-10 food items in typical Turkish shopping basket and put their answers on the WB.

Pre-teaching vocabulary (4-5 minutes) • To pre-teach key vocabulary needed to help SS complete the reading task.

Elicit the following vocabulary items and ask CCQS: - Cereal bar – using realia. CCQs: Is it healthy? What is it made of? Is it a snack or a meal? - Free-range chicken – using pictures. CCQs: Do the chickens live indoor or outdoor? Is free-range chicken healthier than regular (confined) chicken? - Mediterranean – Antalya, Mersin, Hatay are the provinces situated along the ………… sea. CCQs: How do we call a region of lands around Mediterranean Sea? What are the other countries in Mediterranean region? Greece, Italy, Spain, France. - Luxury – Something expensive that is pleasant to have but is not necessary. Rolex watch, helicopter, yacht, diamonds are luxury items. CCQs: Is chocolate a luxury nowadays? Are luxury items expensive or cheap? - Influenced – Another word for affected. I was very affected by his words. This book affected the way I think. CCQs: Does it have positive or negative meaning? Are we influenced by the media? - Consumer – What do we call a person who buys goods and services? Consumer demand. Synonym: buyer. CCQs: Can Economics survive without consumers? Are all of us consumers? - Trolley – using picture or acting. CCQs: Does it make our shopping easier? Do kids like to sit inside of it?

Skim reading for gist (4-5 minutes) • To encourage SS to skim for gist and get an overview of the text.

- Give SS 2 min to skim the text. - Ask SS to work in pairs and put paragraph outlines in order they appear in the text. - Give AK for SS to check themselves.

Intensive reading. (10-12 minutes) • To give SS practice reading for detailed comprehesnion and discussing questions from the text.

- Tell SS you will give them time to read the text slowly and concentrate on details. Give 6 min for intensive reading. - Pass the HO with discussion questions. Give SS some time to find the answers in the text. - Discuss the questions WC.

Reading for specific information. (8-10 minutes) • To practise scanning for specific information.

- Tell SS to work in pairs and circle the products that are in the Britain's shopping basket at present and underline the products that are no longer in the basket. Model the first product on the WB. Ask ICQs. - Divide the WB in two and write Britain's shopping basket now and Britain's shopping basket before. Tell SS to stand up and put the products from the text under the right title.

Post-reading discussion. (10-12 minutes) • To provide SS with freer speakig practice in the context of typical Turkish shopping basket.

- Divide SS in two groups. Give them A3 sheets and ask them to put a title Turkish shopping basket (model it on WB) and divide them in 3 rows. The rows will have titles: Past, Present, Future. - Ask SS to think, discuss and put some food items in each row. - Put posters on WB and ask SS to check each other's work and discuss it.

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