zeyno gurses dolay zeyno gurses dolay

in 20 years...
upper-intermediate level


In this lesson, students will be given the opportunity to study future events in the case of finished and continuing actions through the context of future predictions.


Abc Power Point 1_ collage of future
Abc WB
Abc PP4_Answer key of HO2
Abc HO_3_AND_4
Abc powerpoint_2_topic / discussion questions
Abc HO_1_reading text
Abc PP3_answer key of HO1
Abc HO_2_highlighted verbs
Abc PP3_6 pix
Abc PP5_free activity statements

Main Aims

  • To provide clarification and practice of future perfect and future continuous grammar structures in the context of predictions about our future lives

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide fluency and accuracy speaking practice in a conversation in the context of future predictions
  • To provide gist and detailed reading practice using a text about How we will be living in 20 years time in the context of future predictions


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students to the context of future predictions

T shows the collage of possible future happenings on WB and asks ss the following: What are they? what do they have in common? when are they likely to happen? T clarifies the some of the visuals in the collage. T asks students to discuss in pairs for 3 minutes. T elicit answers from students and writes them on the WB

Exposure to the target language (4-6 minutes) • To give the ss the opportunity to get started with the future structures, focusing on the meaning of the target language and to expose ss to the target language in the lesson

T shows the topic and related questions on the WB HOW WE WILL BE LIVING IN 20 YEARS' TIME (OR WILL WE) which ones are already happening? which ones are likely to happen? which ones probably won't happen? ICQ are asked by the teacher T asks ss to read for gist and discuss the answer the questions in pairs T clarifies any unknown vocabulary

Feedback (2-3 minutes) • to confirm the answers and making sure the text is understood

T elicit answers from ss and asks w/c if they agree or disagree

Clarification of future progressive & future perfect (6-8 minutes) • To give the ss an opportunity to understand the form of the target language

T asks ss to read the text again T gives instructions by asking students to write in pairs whether the actions will be finished in the future or will still be in progress T gives an example T gives ss a HO Ss are encouraged to explain the difference of two structures. T asks CCQs to check if ss understood the starting / finishing time of the actions T defines the grammatical structures and highlights time expressions T shows the answers on the board; some drilling is done

Controlled Practice (3-5 minutes) • To give the students the opportunity to practice the target language

T shows 6 pictures on the WB and tells Ss that they will be given HOs with future statements to be completed. T gives an example T asks SS to form different pairs and complete the statements

peer-check & feedback (2-3 minutes) • to enable ss to confirm their answers and be encouraged to use the new language

Pairs swap answers with other pairs. T asks the w/c if there are any different answers. If there's/are T elicits for clarification

Controlled Practice #2 (4-5 minutes) • to give ss the opportunity to use the target language in different texts

T asks students to turn the page and look at the new exercise and after reading the example, fill in the gaps with their pairs again. Meanwhile T hangs the answers on the wall T asks ss to check their answers by standing up and looking at the answer sheet on the wall

Free speaking activity (5-6 minutes) • To enable students to use the target language while speaking

T talks about some useful language to use while talking about the future T shows 4 sentences on the wb and asks ss to get up and have conversations with their peers , asking related questions and answering them. T monitors, takes notes

Error correction (5-6 minutes) • To give positive and negative feedback and make necessary corrections

T talks about some good language and praises ss. Then writes some sentences about the context to be corrected Answers are elicited

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