Hikmet Sahiner Hikmet Sahiner

The News - Protests Lesson
Intermediate, Adult, B1 level


In this lesson, SS will be engaged in receptive skill development by reading for gist and detailed comprehension related to five newspaper reports about protests and demonstrations, S focused contextualized vocabulary building exercises, and after aims are completed, work on productive speaking skill by working in small groups to discuss their ideas.


Abc Image - Bill Gates
Abc Vocabulary Cards
Abc Pronunciation Practice Handout
Abc Lesson Handout

Main Aims

  • To provide reading practice for gist and detailed comprehension through the context of five short newspaper reports about protests and demonstrations

Subsidiary Aims

  • To practice Vocabulary & Speaking in the context of protests


Stage 1 (Lead-in) (3-5 minutes) • to introduce the theme of the text and create interest in the text

Write the following headline on the WB: "PEOPLE TO PAY FOR THEIR OWN MEDICINES". Tell the w/c that the headline is reporting a new law by the government. Put the Ss in pairs to think of a way of protesting against this new law. Elicit a few ideas. Take some w/c FB.

Stage 2 (Pre-teach Vocabulary, Pre-reading Prediction) (10-12 minutes) • to practice vocabulary and help with understanding the text by thinking in advance of content, to make the headlines in ex 2 more accessible & exploit them in preparation to read.

Elicit/teach essential vocabulary protest, demonstration, strike, pompous, victim, naked, spokesman. Tell Ss they're going to read 5 short newspaper reports about protests and demonstrations, but first you'll look at some vocabulary. Tell Ss to look at the words on the cards & decide if they know them or not. Put the SS into 5 (or 4) groups and tell SS to help each other & explain any words if they don't know them & their partners don't - in English. Give them the cards. SS work together to decide which words they know/they don't know & explain words to each other. Monitor, but don't interfere. As groups finish, get Ss to come to the WB & write the words they don't know. Bring the class back together & focus them on any word on the WB. See if any SS can explain. Check if their ideas are correct. If they're not, or no one knows, you explain. Next comes PRONUNCIATION drill. Take 3 minutes and do some pronunciation drill about different stress patterns. Write on the WB 'Noun: PROtest, Verb: proTEST and elicit ideas. Give SS the Stress Practice HO and ask them to drill after you. BILL GATES - After pronunciation work is finished, show Ss the picture of Bill Gates. Ask a few questions about him - Who is he? How does he look? Get some ideas from the SS, but don't confirm or reject anything yet. Get SS to look at the words from the previous stage & the picture & discuss with their partners what they think happened to Bill Gates. Take some general FB, but again don't confirm or reject anything.

Stage 3 (Skim reading for gist) (5-7 minutes) • to practice skim reading for gist as a reading sub-skill

Focus SS on the reading questions in ex 2. Tell SS to read quickly & answer the questions & check to see if their ideas were right. Tell them not to read all 5 reports and worry about understanding everything. Don't give the HO out until you've set the task. Give SS about 3 mins to read. Get them to check their answers in pairs. Then take w/c FB & get SS to explain their answers.

Stage 4 (Intensive reading) (8-10 minutes) • to practice reading for detailed comprehension as a reading sub-skill

Tell SS to look at the sentences in ex 3 & work individually to match the sentences as missing last sentences to the 5 articles. They will need a bit more time for this. Then SS check their answers in pairs. Prepare for SS to write the answers on the WB. Check to see if all SS agree & help them with any answers they have problems with.

Stage 5 (Post-Reading Vocabulary Activity) (4-6 minutes) • to practice vocabulary and help with reinforcement

Tell the SS they are going to play a vocabulary game. Divide the SS into 2 groups and give each G a marker in different color. Tell them you are going to read definitions and the first group that strikes the matching word on WB earns a point. Write 10 words on the WB, including pompous (article 1), 2 victims (article 1), 3 naked (article 2), 4 strike (article 3), 5 courts (article 4), 6 negotiations (article 5), 7 spokesman (article 5), sit-in, hunger strike, petition. Check that they know what the target 7 words mean.

Stage 6 (Post-reading discussion) (5-7 minutes) • to practice a communicative activity

Get SS in small groups (4 or 5) to discuss their ideas about the question in ex 5 and choose the best way of protesting. Elicit answers and choose the best form of protest that the w/c agrees on. Follow up by asking SS to think of rules in the workplace that they disagree with. Ask them how they might protest against these rules. Take some general w/c FB.

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