Ekin Göktan Ekin Göktan

Question and answer forms of "past to be"
Beginner level


In this lesson, ss will learn how to form and answer questions by using "past to be" within the context of holidays. As they learned how to make sentences with "past to be", this lesson will be both a review and practice of question form. They will also learn certain adjectives to describe their holidays.


Abc Ss' paragraphs about their last holiday
Abc Prompts
Abc Holiday pictures
Abc Gap-fill and Writing HO

Main Aims

  • To provide review and practice of past "to be" to get information by asking quesitions and give answers within the context of holidays

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide accuracy speaking practice by asking information about holidays and giving answers.
  • To provide clarification and practice of adjectives and nouns to express feelings and situations in the context of holidays


Warmer/Lead-in (6-7 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

T asks "What do you do on your holiday?, How do you feel when you are on holiday?, "What do you do after holiday?" Possible answers are: swimming, hiking, play tennis - feel happy, free - after holiday they talk about their holiday with their friends. T says that "Now, I want to talk about my holidays.I will tell you where I was in my holidays": 2008 - I was in the U.S. It was a long holiday. 2009 - I was in England. It was wonderful to see historical places. 2011 - I was in Ayvalık with my friends. I was excited because it was my first holiday with my friends. 2012 - I was in Mitilini with my mother. It was a nice island. Then, T asks following questions to ss: - Were you in Bodrum for holiday in 2012? If not, - Where were you? -Were your friends with you? -Was your last holiday in summer or in spring? -Was your holiday boring? -Were there many people in the city? -Were there historical places?

Highlighting (8-9 minutes) • To draw ss attention to the target language through asking questions about T's holidays

T shows her pictures from the holiday in the U.S and U.K. Asks ss to describe the pictures by using There is/are... E.g."There is a spacesuit" Drills "spacesuit". T elicits the meaning of "homesick", "alone" (pic of a girl sitting on a suitcase on the beach), "rainy", "excited". To clarify he meaning, shows pictures and drills. Then asks some of the ss make sentences with these new words. Ss work in pairs and prepare questions to find out which prompt is related to which holiday. Ss point out the picture in London or U.S. (Cincinnati) and ask: Was your sister with you?

Clarification (3-4 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

T elicits and writes the form of question and answer form of past to be on the WB for clarification. Were you homesick? Yes, I was / No, I wasn’t. T writes the form on the WB by eliciting the was and were form. T drills the sentence for the correct pronunciation of was/were.

Controlled Practice (7-8 minutes) • To practice and concept check the TL

T gives the first HO and ss fill in the blanks with was/were or wasn't/weren't. Ss check answers in pairs.

Semi-Controlled Practice (6-7 minutes) • To concept check further and prepare students for free practice

T reads the example in the writing exercise and asks ss to write about their last holiday on a small paper which will be given by the teacher. T asks them to write clearly because their friends will read them later. Ss use was/were and adjectives to describe their holiday. They will write 4 sentences. T monitors and corrects errors.

Free Practice (9-10 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

T collects the papers and mixes them. Then ss pick up papers and try to find the owner of the paper by asking questions based on the information written on the papers.

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