Elcin Mutis Elcin Mutis

Intermediate level


In this lesson Ss will talk about New Year celebrations as a context and they'll cover make/do collocations as vocabulary.They'll start with having conversation about New Year's Eve they have in their countries and listen to the audio talking about Chinese New Year.Then they'll cover the use of Make/Do in different activities.


Main Aims

  • Clarification and practice of collocations with make and do from the recording related to Chinese new year celebrations.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide specific information listening practice using a text about Chinese New Year in the context of New year's Eve celebrations
  • To provide fluency and accuracy by practicing speaking in the context of New Year's Eve


Warmer/Lead-in (5-7 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

* T writes down 31 December on the board and ask Ss "What does this date remind us? Why is it an important date? What do we do to celebrate?" Elicit from them. * Then T gives instructions for the game and hands out the strips of the phrases related to the New Year celebrations. * Ss will work in groups of 6. * There will be pictures facing back in the class at 3 places * Ask them to match the strips for 2 minutes to form the phrases and one student will turn the pictures and the others in the group will run and put the right phrases under the pictures. * The first group who manage to finish will win. * T asks Ss to match a person from the other group and talk about which ones they do to celebrate the New Year's Eve. * T monitors and help if needed

Pre-Listening (6-8 minutes) • To prepare students for the text and make it accessible

* T shows the slide about Chinese New Year and ask Ss to tell their ideas about what they see in these pictures.Try to elicit CNY and ask a few questions to WC "What kind of traditions they follow? Are their celebrations similar to ours? Which color they see as a dominant one? Whydo they think this color is important to them?" * Give instructions to Ss to read the statements about CNY and decide whether the sentences are true or false.T goes through an example by saying "New Year's Eve is on 31st of December. True or false? True. We have a special parade for New Year's e Eve in our country.True or False? False. Hand out the worksheet and let Ss work in pairs for this activity.

While-Listening (6-8 minutes) • To provide specific information listening practice and to expose Ss to the TL in the context

* T gives instructions to Ss to listen carefully the audio 1.30 to find out whether the statements are true or false. Play the audio and ask Ss to check their answers with a partner. Give the answer key at the back of the page for them to check. * Ask Ss to correct the statements that are false in pairs. T gets FB from whole class and ask some CCQs about their decision. If there is any disagreement on a question, let the class discuss why they think in that way as open pairs.

Post-Listening (4-6 minutes) • To provide with an opportunity to respond to the text and expand on what they've learned

T asks Ss to talk about 4 of the statements in Ex2 with information about New Year's Eve celebrations in their country.Ss work in pairs as they are mostly Turkish.T monitors and help them if needed.As FB ask pairs if they have sth in common.

Highlighting target language (5-7 minutes) • To clarify meaning and form of make/do collocations

*Give the Ss a handout Vocab ex1 (the paper is folded) and focus the Ss' attention on the sentences. Ask them if they can remember what the speaker said and choose the correct verb to complete the sentence.Get FB from WC. * T writes down on the board---> Make=Build or create sth. Do= Performing something/complete a task. Do/Make + noun. T gives an example by saying " I made myself a cup of tea and I need to do some housework soon" * T tries to elicit a few collocations with make/do and if possible some sentences and write them on the board to highlight.

Language practice for make/do collocations (3-5 minutes) • To provide semi-controlled practice to fill in the gaps with make/do

* T shows the HO and give instructions to the Ss to fill in the gaps in pairs for 2 minutes.T reflects the answer key on the board to let them check their answers.If they have anything unclear,T gives further examples to clarify the meaning. * Ask Ss to choose 3 questions from Ex 2 and ask them to their partner, then they take turns.T monitors and make sure they use the right verb in their questions.

Collocations practice (4-6 minutes) • To practice more collocations and their use

*T divides the class into two groups (A-B) and gives instructions to Ss to have a look at the nouns in the box and decide whether these nouns are used with make or do in their group..(2 minutes) T monitors and make sure they know all the nouns' and help if needed. * T divides the board into as shown in the materials and ask group A to stand on the left and the other group on the right. The first student in each line has a marker. T reads out the noun and the first students need to decide to put the word either under make or do column.When he/she thinks they put it in the right place then the student hands out the marker to the next student.The first group which managed to get all answers correct,win the game.

If time activity-Vocabulary ex 3 extension (4-6 minutes) • To make sentences by using the collocations

T asks Ss to choose 4 statements and write an example sentence that is true for him/her for each one.Ss will check their sentences with a partner.T monitors and checks the use of TL and make some corrections if needed.

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