Ceyda Aydemir Ceyda Aydemir


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Main Aims

  • To provide review and practice of wish vs would in the context of things that annoy us

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide accuracy speaking practice in a dialogue, arguemental in the context of annoying hab
  • speaking


lead in/building context (3 minutes) • to generate interest in the topic/theme/context of the text or listening

show images of irritated people to elicit the word annoyed from them show annoying things such as alarms start class discussion about some things that really annoy them.

reading or listening task (10-15 minutes) • to practice reading/listening for gist/detail/specific information. to contextulize and introduce the target language

ask students to read through the tweets and find a word that describes the general "mood" which is annoyed ccqs such as, does she like when people start stupid rumours? does this annoy her? to show that this is obviously a negative response to "rumours" ask students to tick all the tweets they agree with and write three of their own.

highlighting target language (10-15 minutes) • to highlight th target language so that learners are focused on it

do task ob 5B p141 class feedback makesure everybody has the right sentence structure "i wish __ would/nt___ move on

clarifying target language (5-10 minutes) • to: clarify meaning so students understand it, clarify the pronunciation so students can say it, clarify form so that students know how to construct it

ask students can someone tell me how i should write these ; i hate when neighbours are loud early in the morning! it drives me mad when people dont say please and thank you! it really annoys me when people beep their car horns constantly! elicit from them ... i wish neighbours wouldnt be so loud early in the morning ...i wish people would say please and thank you more often. ...i wish people wouldnt beep the horns constantly

language practice (10 minutes) • to provide controlled oral/written practice focused on using the language accurately/ to provide freer oral/written practice and use the language productively

get students to look back at their ticked tweets and their 3 original "i wish" sentences and go around the room sharing annoying things with other peeople.

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