Benjamin Burger Benjamin Burger

Useful Phrases
Intermediate level


students will practice usfeful phrases in the context of greeting friends. students will be introduced to some vocabulary of greeting people, asking the news in their lives and how to say they are in a hurry. students will then listen to a conversation and decide if statements are true and false. students will then read a text with three different short dialoges and they will have to underline the most natural sounding endings to the sentence. They will then do a matching activity and then free practice, practing the dialogues and useful phrases.


Abc Course Book Materials

Main Aims

  • To provide specific information listening practice using a text about useful phrases in the context of with friends in terms of greetings, saying things are ok, asking for news, saying their in a hurry and saying goodbye

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide speaking practice in a useful phrases in the context of with friends in terms of greetings, saying things are ok, asking for news, saying their in a hurry and saying goodbye
  • To provide practice of useful phrases in the context of with friends in terms of greetings, saying things are ok, asking for news, saying their in a hurry and saying goodbye


Warmer/Lead-in (10-10 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Brief getting to know each other activity. Have students write their names in large letters and put them on your desk. Get to know students. Ask them the tell you one interesting thing about themselves or anythin they would like to share Lead in. students will show students a photo of a man and woman greeting each other and ask students what these people would say to each other. teacher will show useful greeting questions and possible answers. teacer will ask students if they are formal or informal and why? teacher will then do choral drilling with questions and answers with students. studetns will then in pairs ask and answer questions.

Exposure (10-15 minutes) • listening for specific information in the context of a woman meeting her friends.

Tt will draw students attention to three different photos were a woman cathy is meeting her friends and ask questions about the photos. Tt will then then go through three different statements with students and tell them they are going to listen to a dialoge and decide if the statements are true or false. teacher will hand out handouts students will listen and answer true or false. students will peer check answers and then teacher will briefly check answers on the board teacher will ask students questions about the dialoges and confirm asnwers with students. Ss will be given handout. teacher will ask students to work in pairs andunderline the more natural sounding options in the dialoges. teacher will ask students what effect they think this has on the conversations. Are the conversations less or more formal? teacher will play recording again and have students check their answers.

Highlighting (10-10 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the target language

students will work in pairs to complete a table with a useful phrases in the dialogue. students will then peer check answers. students will listen and repeat useful phrases. students will then in pairs practice the conversations with partners and then switch roles.

Clarification (10-10 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

students will then work in pairs to creae their own dialoge in the same context. students will create dialoge with the following: 1) Greetings 2) saying things are okay or bad 3) Asking for news 5) saying you are in a hurry 6) Goodbyes teacher will walk around and give suggestions and correct and errrors. Ss will then practice their dialoges and then switch roles. teacher will monitor and give students feedback. if time allows students will switch dialoges that other pairs have written and practice saying other partners dialogues

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