Idriss Ennaciri Idriss Ennaciri

Modals of deduction and speculation
Intermediate B1/B2 level


In this lesson, students learn about the modals of deduction and speculation through guided discovery based on a picture of someone who is lost. The lesson starts with showing a picture to the students and asks them what expression we use when we want to ask about help. This is followed asking students to give an example of a modal verb in the scripts on p 154, and then the meaning, the form, and pronunciation will be covered. Finally there some control practice and free practice as well.


Abc Pictures
Abc Gap-fill handout
Abc Handout

Main Aims

  • To provide clarification of Modals of deduction and speculation in the context of someone lost.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide accuracy speaking practice in a conversation in the context of someone needs help.


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

-The teacher shows a picture of someone who lost his way. -The teacher shows another picture of another person who lives there. The students will be asked to guess what expression can be you used by the person who lost his way to get help from the other person.

Exposure (8-10 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation

-The teacher will give the students a short text that carries modals of deduction and speculation. -The students will be asked to underline the modals in that text.

Highlighting (2-4 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the target language

-The students will the sentences from the conversation. They will complete them with the correct modal verb. -Students will find one more example of each modal verb in the scripts on p154.

Clarification (8-10 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

-The students will be given the meaning of modals of deduction and speculation with gap filler in each. They will complete the gap with the correct word. -The student will be given the form of modals of deduction and speculation with gap filler in each. Students have to complete it with the proper words. -The teacher will pronounce and marked the stress on the modals and students repeat after him.

Controlled Practice (8-10 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

-Students will complete the conversation with the appropriate modal verb. -Students will listen to check their answers.

Semi-Controlled Practice (8-10 minutes) • To concept check further and prepare students for free practice

-Students will complete the exercise on page 140 with must, might or can't.

Free Practice (8-10 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

-Students will read the situation in exercise 4. They will discuss the four choices and decide what to do. -Students will speak and use modals of deduction.

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