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Film types- James Bond
Elementary, A1/A2 level


In this lesson, students practise their reading receptive skills through a reading about "James Bond". Through the context of "types of films", students practise their likes and dislikes. The context is set through eliciting the words, firstly, "James Bond", and then "film". Students learn types of films through a guided discovery. Then, they practise their gist and detailed reading skills. As a final stage, students practise their productive speaking skills when they talk about their likes/ dislikes of film types.


Abc detailed reading questions HO3
Abc Redston,C.& Cunningham,G. (2005) face2face Elementary Student's Book, Cambridge
Abc Matching HO
Abc reading text and title HO2

Main Aims

  • To provide gist and detailed receptive reading practice using a text about James Bond in the context of types of film.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide clarification and practice of types of film in the context of films.


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

- With 007 theme song, I enter to the classroom gesturing him. - Pausing the song, ask Ss; - Who am I? (James Bond) - What do I watch if | want to see James Bond?- (movie or film) (if I can`t elicit the word this way, I show the cinema photo from my powerpoint Eliciting the word film, I ask Ss; - What is the general name of the films that have guns? (action) Write on board : Action Films Then on top of the WB write types of films

Pre-Reading/ Teaching Vocabulary (10-8 minutes) • To introduce students to different types of films

1) -Grab students attention to myself and show that action films are just one type of films. -Show instructions to the matching exercise: -Look! There are types of film on one side. On the other side there are some film names . -You have 1 min. -In your groups, match the types with the names While students do the matching, I monitor. Then I provide them with the AK on WB. CCQs: action films: do they include ghosts? (no) thriller:Do we get excited and curious? (yes) horror films: Do you laugh when we watch this (no) Do we get scared? (yes) science fiction films: Draw on the board some futuristic world cartoons:Do children watch this type of film? (yes) Or drawing love stories: Does this type of film have guns in it? (no) Does it have couples in it? (yes?) comedies: Do we get scared when we watch this type of film? (no) Do we laugh? (yes) historical dramas: Are these about real past? (yes) 2) Then write on the board: - I really like science fiction films. - I watched a science fiction film yesterday. Highlight the usage of plural and and singular forms. then highlight on the board that you can use films noun with action, horror and science fiction' but you cannot add films to other nouns. 3) Clarification of pronouncation Distribute each group different coloured pieces of papers that has the types of films on them.To students: - Look at your papers ( 15 sec.) - Now, when I say your colour, that group says the type of film on the paper. ICQs: When one group does it, I pronounce the word again and drill. This way, instead of me starting the drill, the students first pronounces the TL. Do this with every colour.

While-Reading/Gist (7-8 minutes) • To provide students with less challenging gist information reading tasks

What do you know about James Bond? Discuss it for one minute with your groups? WCF; what do you know about James Bond? - Show students the titles and the reading. - read the reading individually and choose the correct title ( 2 min). - In your groups discuss the best title for one minute I monitor every group and give feedback.

While-Reading/Detailed (10-12 minutes) • To provide students with more challenging detailed, deduction and inference reading tasks

- Don't lose your article - Here are some questions about the article. Read only the questions for one minute. - Now individually read your article again for 5 minutes - you have two minutes, answer the questions.

Post-Reading (8-10 minutes) • To provide with an opportunity to respond to the text and expand on what they've learned

In this last stage, students get to discuss if they like James Bond films, and what kind of other films they like/dislike. Divide students into half, tell them to look at the other side of the group. For example, I pick one student and demonstrate the task: Do you like James Bond films? (yes or No) If yes; Which James Bond movies that your like? (Spectre) If no; What types of films do you like? I like... and I dislike.....

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