Ehsan Morshedloo Ehsan Morshedloo

Problems with things you have bought
Intermediate level


Main Aims

  • To provide clarification, review and practice of Talk about complaining in the context of Problems with things you have bought

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide gist and detailed listening practice using a text about It's scratched in the context of Complaining in the UK and France


Lead-in/warm up (1-2 minutes) • make the class ready for my subsidary aim

As a lead-in, students are asked about the subject they practiced in their previous session and a word "complaint is elicited" from the learners.

Building context (10-12 minutes) • Teaching listening as my sub aim

Students are instructed to look at the three pictures which are shown on the board with three questions above each: "what would you do if Someone went to the front of a queue without waiting in line / Someone broke the rules on public transport/ You got poor service in a restaurant, a café or a shop. They share their points with each other and WCFB is given afterward. Now, they are going to listen to a man whose name is Tarigh talking about complaining in the UK and France. (This will be followed by ICQs like What is Tarigh talking about? and what countries is he talking about?) What difference does he mention?. Their answers are checked in pairs and I give WCFB.

Presentation (17-20 minutes) • Vocabulary about problems with things you have bought

Different pictures are shown with target words in eight different sentences. Students do the matching and check their answers in pairs. However, I model and ask them to say what the object is (rather than say 1c for example). After giving whole class feedback, I draw a chart to focus on the pronunciation of the -ed endings by putting three columns on the board. I tell the learners to put the five adjectives ending in -ed into the correct column according to the pronunciation of the ending. I encourage them to say the words out loud to themselves and their partners. I also ask them to think of more examples and add them to the chart. Finally, I hand out a paper to each student including the shown picture on the board without any sentences. Students are asked to write the problems and check their answers in pairs. As a WCFB, different volunteers are invited to the board to write the problems under each picture.

Language practice (13-16 minutes) • To provide semi-controlled practice and freer practice using the language accurately and productively

Students are provided with a question including "what other things can be the wrong size, faded, chipped, dented, torn, cracked and scratched?. They converse with each other in pairs within a given time (3 min). Meanwhile, I monitor and check their accuracy and find any possible mistakes in their speech ( in order to write and elicit the correct ones as well).Then I ask some of them to share their points with the class. Students are provided with another question including " Have you ever had a problem with something you have bought?" They are invited to stand up and practice with different classmates and share their experiences. Finally, some are asked to tell the whole class their story.

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