MohammadKhari MohammadKhari

B1 level


Abc Grammar Outline
Abc Test 2
Abc Speaking HO
Abc Memory HO
Abc Text Projection
Abc Test 1

Main Aims

  • To provide clarification and practice of verb patterns in the context of memory

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide fluency and accuracy speaking practice in a conversation in the context of memory


Warmer/Lead-in (4-6 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

The teacher will project the previously taught text on the board which was about memory and crime to refresh the students' memory of the context. Then the teacher will ask some questions containing the key verbs "remember", "forget", "know", for example: "Do you remember what the reading was about?" or "Do you know the difference between a judge and a witness?" to set the context and make the students ready for the target grammar.

Test #1 (10-12 minutes) • To gauge students' prior knowledge of the target language

The teacher puts the students in pairs, then chests a HO containing some sentences. The students are supposed to circle the wrong sentence in each group of the sentences. The sentences are designed to check the students' understanding of the verb patterns, and they will be referred to, later during the class. After the students answered the questions individually, they will be asked to check in pairs, and after that, if needed, they can check with the other students. Meanwhile, the teacher monitors the class closely to notice the problematic areas of their knowledge. Then, the teacher asks some students to come to the board and circle the correct answer on the projected HO. ICQs: Should you write or circle the answers? Should you do it in groups or individually first?

Teach (12-15 minutes) • To clarify areas of the target language where students had difficulty in the first test stage

The teacher will put some common mistakes which were observed during the test #1 procedure on the board, and highlights the grammar points through explanation and providing the students with examples. Later the teacher projects two charts on the board, one containing three groups of verbs and their common patterns and the other one containing three verbs that can be followed by both gerunds and infinitives to visualize the grammar points and make it easier to memorize. During this procedure, the teacher will ask the students to help him provide examples fr the categories on the board to get them involved. CCQs: Do all of the verbs have the same pattern? (No) If a verb takes both gerunds and infinitives, will they have the same meaning? (No always) Can you name some verbs that take both forms with a change in meaning? (forget, stop, try, ...)

Test #2 (7-9 minutes) • Check students' use of the target language again and compare with the first test

The teacher regroups the students into different pairs, then he chests a HO containing 8 questions, regarding gerunds and infinitives. The students are asked to do it individually which will be followed by pair-check. After that, some students will come to the board to write the correct answer on the projected HO. ICQs: Should you write or check the answers? Should you do it in pairs first?

Free practice (10-12 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

The teacher puts the class in groups of three, then he will give each group a HO containing some questions that are not complete. The students are asked to complete them in their groups. ICQs: Should you answer the questions r complete them? The teacher will complete the first question with the help of students on the board to show that more than one ending is possible. After the questions are completed in groups, the teacher asks the students to discuss them in their groups and then he gets the WCFB. ICQs: Should you write the answers?

If-time activity (5-8 minutes) • To give the students a chance of using the language in a game

The teacher puts the students in pairs. Then the teacher chests a HO containing two different pictures and asks the students to look at the pictures for two minutes and after that, face them down and explain the picture to their partner using the structure they have learned this session. ICQ: Should you look at both pictures? Should you write anything?

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