John Andrew Sheehan John Andrew Sheehan

Young Learners Beginners level


In this lesson, Ss will learn to recognise and name different shapes before a controlled practice. Ss will also revise previously learned vocabulary (i.e. objects).


Abc Footprints Pupil's Book p. 10
Abc Footprints Activity Book p. 8
Abc Blu Tack
Abc Flashcards
Abc Handouts (Photocopies of Footprints Pupil's Book p. 10 and Activity Book p. 8)
Abc Whiteboard
Abc Boardmarkers
Abc Wordcards
Abc Footprints 2 CD1

Main Aims

  • To provide clarification of shapes in the context of 'My birthday'

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide revision of previously covered vocabulary.
  • To provide reading practice and practice of listening for specific information in the given context.


Stage 1 (5-7 minutes) • To set lesson context and to revise vocabulary.

Greet the children. Introduce myself. Play a memory game where students match wordcards to flashcards on the board. T sticks the flashcards to the board and after eliciting the answer from Ss as a group, invites individual Ss to match the wordcards to the flashcards on the whiteboard. Praise Ss and remove all the cards. Explain that today we will learn about shapes. Draw a circle, a square, a rectangle and a triangle on the board. Point to the circle and say 'This is a circle.' Drill. Try and elicit the following shapes from the Ss ('What is this?') and repeat the following with each shape: 'This is a... etc.'. Drill. Once more explain that today we will learn about shapes.

Stage 2 (8-10 minutes) • To provide context for the target language by introducing the handout. To set up and monitor the activity. To provide reading practice and practice of listening for specific information in the given context.

Distribute the handouts to the Ss. Ask the Ss 'Do you recognize the shapes?'. Establish the link that the shapes introduced in the previous stage are found in the handout. Instruct the Ss to listen and play CD1, Track 30 Part 1 while students follow on their handout. After playing Part 1 of the track, hold up my book, indicate the photos of the objects and ask Ss to find and point to each picture after I use the relevant word. e.g. 'Present. Find the present!'. Ask students to count how many objects there are ('6') and how many shapes ('4'). Both say and indicate with hand actions that we will match the pictures and shapes. Demo the first one as an example (matching 'cake' and 'circle'). Allow children to work individually and monitor. Praise and make sure that use of L1 is at a minimum through use of classroom management techniques. Once finished, get students to listen to answers (CD 1, Track 30 Part 2). Children listen and check they have matched the pictures and shapes correctly.

Stage 3 (8-10 minutes) • To provide controlled practice and to ensure Ss engagement by playing a game.

Ask one of the more confident students to the front of the class. Get them to stand with their back to the rest of the class. Use my index finger to draw a shape on the child's back and encourage the child to guess what it is e.g. T - 'Which shape is it?' S- 'Circle!'. Repeat with other children. Divide the class into pairs and do the same as in the T-S interaction in this stage. Monitor and encourage Ss to change partners and/or roles after having completed a number of shapes e.g. after 3 shapes, the Ss' change partners and/or roles. SS return to their seats.

Stage 4 (10-13 minutes) • To provide further controlled practice.

On Activity Book p.8, indicate the sentences at the top of the page. Read the sentences and draw attention to the example: 'This is a square'. Then mimic the action of drawing and say 'Draw a square'. Repeat the instruction for the second shape i.e. rectangle. Ask Ss to complete the remaining shapes. Monitor, encourage Ss to say the sentences and praise. Once students have completed the activity, indicate the 5 sentences on the bottom half of the page. Ask Ss to count the sentences ('5') and answers ('5'). Demonstrate that they will fill the gaps. Elicit the answer to the first sentence by saying 'The biscuit is a square? No! The biscuit is a triangle? No! The biscuit is a...'. Ss respond 'Circle!' Ss start activity. T monitors and praises. Plenary feedback - ask a student to read out their answer. Thank students and explain they will have a 10 minute break.

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