Elcin Mutis Elcin Mutis

Functional Language-Directions
Elementary level


In this lesson, students learn about the functional language of giving directions by listening exercises, filling the gaps and practising dialogues. The lesson starts with a picture showing inside of a shopping mall,Ss will be asked a few questions to recall the TL used in the previous lesson.This is followed by filling the gaps with TL and listening to a recording. Ss will practise the dialogues from the audioscript.At the end there is some role playing for free speaking practise on giving directions.


Main Aims

  • • To provide clarification and language practice for asking and giving directions

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide specific information listening practice using a text about asking and giving directions, to provide fluency speaking practice in a conversation about giving directions.


Warmer/Lead-in (2-3 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

T briefly reminds Ss that they talked about shopping mall and how to find the places that they are looking for.(shops,toilets,lift etc) .Ss look at a picture reflected on WB (the introduction to directions slide) and answer in basic words what they see in the picture.T notes down the words related to the topic on WB.T explains to WC why we use directions and with the help of pictures and mimes try to elicit basic directions from Ss (like up,down etc)

Exposure (2-4 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation

T shows the HO to Ss and explain they need to fill in the blanks by looking at the images and using the words below. Ss check their answers with the person next to them. T elicits answers from WC. To check understanding T shows directions with her arms and elicit from students the commands (turn left,right etc) .Pay attention to pronunciation.

Highlighting (3-4 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the target language

Ss look at the picture reflected on the board.(town centre street map). T asks to Ss "Where am I? Where is the parking lot?" (behind) "There is a parking lot behind me, then where do I stand?" (in front of) T starts with an example and asks to a strong student "Excuse me, is there a travel agent near here?" .T tries to elicits the directions from Ss one by one and show the way they describe on the WB. Repeat the example with the WC and correct errors if needed,

Clarification (10-12 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

T gives clear instructions that Ss need to look at the map and repeat the dialogue about the travel agent.HO (town street map) will be given to them . T starts "Excuse me is there a travel agent near here?" and drill the rest of the dialogue as much as they remember from WC. Disappearing dialogue technique will be used at this stage. T writes down the first letter of the words in question and answers on the WB Ss will work in pairs, T hands out strips of paper about the dialogue which needed to be completed on the board.Ss will work on it for 3 minutes,then T elicits from students and stick the strips on their right places' on the board.Ss will read aloud the dialogue and each time T takes off some key words and drill the dialogue (from WC, ladies,gentlemen or small groups) throughout the whole text until there is no strip on the board.Focus on drilling and TL use.(T can get one or two dialogues for the directions of a different shop in the map from open pairs to check understanding,form and accuracy-if there is time)

Controlled Practice (6-8 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

Set the classroom layout which enable Ss to move around and make turns in left and right.Place different materials (such as a bag,a coat,a scarf etc ) around the room. Tell Ss that you put some things in the room at different places, one of students need to stand up and cover eyes with a cloth.T shows to the rest of the class what the student (blindfold) needs to find and they give directions to him/her to find the thing. This will be practised by 4-5 students.

Semi-Controlled Practice (5-7 minutes) • To concept check further and prepare students for free practice

*Pairwork (as A and B) for ex5 and ex6. Ss look at the plan of the shopping mall. Ask some simple questions to check that Ss are able to give directions clearly, eg Where is the baby changing room? Where is the books and music shop? * Read the instructions , then model the activity with a strong student. * Ask students to change partners to roleplay the situation.(for 5 minutes) * Monitor and carefully prompt, and note errors. * At the end of the activity, write a few errors on the board and try to elicit the right answers as a class from the whole class.(3 minutes)

Free Practice (8-9 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

* Ss will work on asking for and giving directions for finding the hotel shop. PW. * Each pair will be given a sheet,but the sheet will be cut in half. * Ss will be told to practise asking for and giving directions inside a hotel. * Before the activity, elicit some of the TL and make notes about the useful vocabular on the board, eg turn left/right , go along the corridor , it’s on the left/right, it’s next to … * Give an example to WC to ensure that the students know how to use ordinal numbers , eg ‘It’s on the first/second floor’. * Hand out worksheets to students A and B. * Ss swap the worksheets and keep practising.

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