Natalia Coşkun Natalia Coşkun

TP 6, Reading 'The science of happiness'
Pre - Intermediate level


In this lesson, students will talk about what people need to be happy. They will read the text about scientific research in this field, doing prediction, reading for the gist and reading for details. They will deduce the meaning of some words using the context. They will follow up with speaking practice, discussing their own opinions on the topic.


Abc Hand-outs
Abc Hand-outs
Abc Hand-outs

Main Aims

  • To provide reading for the gist, for specific information and deducing the meaning of the words using a text about happiness.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide fluency speaking practice in the context of happiness


Warmer/Lead-in (2 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Set the context of the lesson through giving examples of the thing which make you happy: Write 5 things on the WB, for ex.: Being with my family makes me happy Making paintings makes me happy Seeing my friends makes me happy Going on vacations makes me happy Cooking makes me happy And draw a smiley face near all these things. Ask the students: What about you? Write 5 things which make you happy. Compare with your partner. Did you write the same things or not?

Pre-Reading (4-5 minutes) • To prepare students for the text and help them to predict the content of the text

Tell the students: You are going to read the text. But before reading it, let's match some words and their meaning. Give them two types of cards: words and their definitions on the other cards. Work in pairs: Climate - a type of weather in a country or in a region measure - find the exact amount of something satisfied - pleased with something objective - something you are planning to achieve Provide quick whole class feedback. Put 4 headings on the WB: 1. Measuring happiness 2. Climate and happiness 3. Money and happiness 4. What makes people happy? Can you predict in pairs what this text is about? And what about each paragraph?

While-Reading/ Skim reading for the gist (4-6 minutes) • To predict the contents of the text and to provide students with reading for the gist

Using 4 headings on the WB ask the students to: Read the text quickly and match paragraphs and the headings.

While-Reading/ Scan reading for details (8-10 minutes) • To provide students with more challenging detailed reading task

Ex. 2, p. 66. Course book. Read the text and complete the questions. Check in paris.

While-Reading/Deduction meaning from the context (5-8 minutes) • To provide students with practice for deducing meaning of the words from the text

Write the first highlighted word (calculate) on the WB: Social scientists usually calculate ....people are. Encourage the sts to try to deduce the meaning of the word 'calculate' from the context together. Elicit the word class (it is a verb), then possible meanings and synonyms. Then the sts do the ex. 3, p. 66. (Course book).

If-Time Activities (4-6 minutes) • To introduce metaphors related to the topic 'Happiness'

Extend your vocabulary, p.66. Do first expression together deciding if it is happy or sad. Ask sts to guess the meaning and draw smiley or sad faces next to each expression 1-6.

Post-Reading (8-10 minutes) • To provide with an opportunity to respond to the text and expand on what they have learned

Sts ask each other the questions from Ex.4, p.66. Engage them to give some more explanation asking the question 'Why?'. Questions: Do you agree with what the text says about happiness? Do you think it is possible to measure the happiness? What are things that make people happy? Whole class mingle.Give the chart to the sts. Ask to conduct a survey: How happy are you? What would you like to change to be happy? Show the example. Take whole class feedback. Draw a happiness line from 1 to 10 and write the names of the students where they think they are on this line. Then ask sts the two questions noted in the text in pairs and write these questions on the WB: 1. How happy are you from 1 to 10? 2. How satisfied are you with your life?

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