kanza kanza

Irregular verbs .
Elementary level level


-In this lesson , students will be introduced to the past simple tense. more specifically the irregular form. The lesson will be focused on providing them with the meaning , form and pronounciation of some irregular verbs and providing some controlled and semi controlled practise .


Abc Gap fill handout -

Main Aims

  • To provide controlled and semi controlled practise of the past tense of some irregular verbs. By the end of the lesson , students will be able to understand the meaning , form and pronounciation of irregular verbs.

Subsidiary Aims

  • -To provide freer practise of the irregular verbs with some speaking.


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

-the lead in will be that i am going to show them a timeline with two teachers. one who thaught them yesterday and another who's going to teach them today which is me . by showing the timeline they will be able to make the difference of the simple present and past tense. CCQ' : is he your teacher ? when did he teach you ? is he teaching you today ? so i teach you today and he thaught you yesterday . the emphasis is on today and yesterday.

Exposure (8-9 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation

at this stage , I am going to elicit verbs and words to make a story. the story is taking place in the past with the presention of irregular verbs. Students will try to guess which are the verbs and i will be facilitating the process. picture of me : who is she ? what did she do yesterday ? then start showing pictures that will help carry on with the story. elicit and go further in showing irregular verbs. picture of breakfast : made -have breakfast. pictures : left the house - went to the ferry. pictures : took the ferry -came to the class. pictures : lost passport - wrote and sent an email.

Highlighting (2-4 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the target language

-I will highlight the irregular verbs by eliciting "past" from students by using "now".then ask CCQ to clarify past . Did this happen before or after now ? Is the past today ?

Clarification (6-8 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

I will put a picture of Morocco and elicit ? Am i in Morocco now ? no where am i ? In Izmir . so i was in Morocco in the past or no ? did i fly to Morocco today ? Did i go to the cinema today No . How can we say this in the past ? introduce verbs, lose - win - write - give - get - have - come - can - go - begin. Elicit : Are these verbs the same or different ? Is there a rule or no ? do we use Ed at the end ? no work on the pronounciation.

Controlled Practice (8-11 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

at this stage , I will provide the students with a controlled task ( a set of sentences) asking them to work alone. they will be practising the language in a very controlled way . CCQ Are you going to work alone or in pairs . Are you going to write the past form or the present form ? give them sometime to practise. compare their answers. correct on the board. with teacher feedback.

Semi-Controlled Practice (8-10 minutes) • To concept check further and prepare students for free practice

-to go further with irregular verbs ,i will provide them with a semi controlled task that evaluates their understanding of the target language but it's less controlled. CCQ's are you going to work alone or in groups ? Are you going to complete the game with present tense or past tense ? give feedback.

Free Practice (4-6 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

Ask students to speak with their partners about what they did yesterday using 3 irregular verbs : go - have- take CCQ'S and feedback.

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