Marzie Danaei Marzie Danaei

Advice, phrasal verbs
Intermediate , grade B1+ level


In this lesson, SS learn about phrasal verbs through guided discovery based on a listening text about using equipment by following the instructions. The lesson starts with watching a video giving instructions for making an Email account as a lead-in.This is followed by a discussion about problems they with instructions. Then SS develop their receptive skill by listening to a conversation between a man and a technician for the gist and then getting specific phrasal verbs. Then the SS discuss computer problems they've had and the solutions for them. Next there's pronunciation practice and drill. The SS listen to instructions for using a piece of equipment and guess what it is. Finally SS think about and write instructions for a piece of equipment to contextualize the vocabulary and work on productive skills by giving them to group so that other students can guess what it is.


Main Aims

  • To provide clarification and practice of phrasal verbs such as "turn on-off, switch on-off, click on , plug in and unplug" in the context of giving instructions for a piece of equipment

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide gist, detailed and deduction listening practice using a text about computer instructions in the context of phone call to a computer helpline


Warmer/Lead-in (4-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

- ask SS to write their name on the tags and pin then on the chest or stick them to their chairs. - elicit and clarify the meaning of the word instructions by asking the Q: "what's the word for the steps of doing something?" drilling: cooking instructions, driving instructions - ask SS to watch the video about instructions of making an email and put the steps of in order. - get FB and challenge SS' understanding so that they are engaged in the context of problems with instructions.

Pre-Listening (9-10 minutes) • To prepare students for the text and make it accessible

- ask SS to answer the Q in pairs : "have you ever had problems with instructions? what happened?" let one or two students share their answers with the class. - show the picture of the router connection. ask SS to describe the image. - ask SS : "what problem might you have with the router? what's the solution?" Elicit the words router, technician, and socket by using their answers.

While-Listening #1 (7-9 minutes) • To provide students with less challenging gist of listening tasks

- Tell SS that they're going to listen to Vishal's phone call to a computer helpline. They should answer two gist questions in part "a" on their handouts: " 1. what's the problem?" " 2. do they manage to solve the problems?" - Ask SS to check their answers in pairs and the get the WCF.

While-Listening #2 (detailed information) (5-7 minutes) • To provide students with more challenging detailed listening tasks

- ask students to look at part "b" in their handouts and read the sentences in advance and remember or guess the answers. Then check in pairs. Next get a WCF but don't give the answers. -Then SS listen to the audio again and check their answers.

while-listening #3 (10-12 minutes) • to deduct vocabulary (phrasal verbs) that can be applied in the context of giving instructions of using equipment. There is also a pronunciation task at this stage.

- Ask SS to complete the gaps with the verbs in the box - Ask SS to check their answers in pairs. Then get WCF but don't give the answers. - Play track 2.2 to check the answers. - To focus on meaning of the verbs, distribute the sets of the cars among students in groups of three and ask them to find and match 3 opposite pairs of verbs and two verbs that have the same meaning. Time limit is 30 seconds. the group that finishes first is the winner. - T shows pictures of the verbs on the screen and elicits them, practices and drill pronunciation of them in phrases. - T points out the linking between a consonant and a vowel and drills the pronunciation of the first linking phrase: turn it on - then SS are asked to do the linking on their handouts. Then listen to recording 2.3 and repeat the phrases.

Post-Listening (8-10 minutes) • To provide with an opportunity to respond to the text and expand on what they've learned through speaking

- set the context by asking SS to listen to instructions for using a piece of equipment. Answer the question: "what do you think it is?" (track 2.4) (it's an MP3 player) - ask SS to check in pairs, then get the WCF and check the answer. - ask SS to think about and write instructions for a piece of equipment. They shouldn't say what it is. - they tell the instructions in groups of three or four and other SS guess what the equipment is.

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