Raheleh Nouraei Raheleh Nouraei

Working Animals
Upper intermediate students, Student book, "Straightforward" by Philip Kerr and Ceri Jones level


In this session, students will be exposed to some specific words and verbs, such as get, be/ get used to, and used to. In the procedure part, the lesson has been covered in detail.


Main Aims

  • To provide gist and detailed listening practice using a text about Working animals in the context of animals
  • To provide clarification of collocations with get in the context of animals and be/ get used to

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide clarification and description/ elicitation of the definition of the following words through asking some generating questions: 1. a keeper in the zoo. Who takes care of animals in the zoo? where does a keeper work? what does a keeper look after? 2. the bubble burst. do problems get worse when the bubble bursts? do problems vanish/ disappear when the bubble bursts? 3. a breaking period. do you get familiar with a way of doing things during a breaking period? do you learn to do things correctly during a breaking period? what happens during a breaking period? 4. pick things up. when you pick things up, do you learn at a snail's pace/ very slowly? when you pick things up, do you learn fast? how do you learn when you pick things up? 5. really get together. if you and sb/ an animal really get together, do you form a bad, awkward relationship? if you and sb/ an animal really get together, do you form a good relationship and get on with each other? how is the relationship if you really get together?


Receptive skill (15-25 minutes) • Listening for gist and for reference

1. Ask some general questions to gain their attention (using a powerpoint preferably). These are the questions I am going to pose: - Dogs or cats_ which do you like most? Why? - Dogs or cats_ which help man the most? How? - Why do some blind people have dogs? What can the dogs do for them? - What other jobs can dogs do? 2. Show the picture of the man and the dog in ex 1 (using the scanned page on the flash drive) 3. Ask them to discuss the two questions in pairs. 4. Ask for feedback very fast, choosing 2 or 3 students randomly. Preferably the taciturn ones. 5. Meaning Clarification of the following words is necessary: - a keeper in the zoo. Who takes care of animals in the zoo? Where does a keeper work? What does a keeper look after? - the bubble burst. Do problems get worse when the bubble bursts? Do problems vanish/ disappear when the bubble bursts? - a breaking period. Do you get familiar with a way of doing things during a breaking period? Do you learn to do things correctly during a breaking period? What happens during a breaking period? - pick things up. When you pick things up, do you learn at a snail's pace/ very slowly? When you pick things up, do you learn fast? How do you learn when you pick things up? - really get together. If you and sb/ an animal really get together, do you form a bad, awkward relationship? If you and sb/ an animal really get together, do you form a good relationship and get on with each other? How is the relationship if you really get together? 6. Play the audio track 1-14. Do ex. 2. Find the questions that she answers. Check answers in pairs. Check with the WC. 7. Play the CD again and do ex. 3. Answer those questions you found in ex. 2. Check answers in pairs. Get feedback from some random students. 8. Do ex. 4. Work in pairs. Answer this question: Would you like to be a quide dog trainer? Why or why not? 9. Ask for feedback from the WC.

Function (15-20 minutes) • Vocabulary

1. Explain different meanings of the verb GET: - get = obtain/ receive -----> get a guide dog (receive a guide dog) - get = become -----> get involved with sb/sth (become interested in sb/sth) - get = have a journey/ travel/ movement/arrival ......> get to school (arrive/ go to) - get = no specific meaning (just a part of the phrase)------> don't get along = don't ; get in touch; get on with 2. Do ex 1. on p. 23. Match. 3. Do ex 2. on p. 23. Use meaning of GET instead. 4. Do WB ex. 3 on page 13. 5. Do WB ex. 4 on page 13.

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