Kubra Akgun Kubra Akgun

TP 8
B2 Upper-Intermediate level


This is an integrated listening, writing and speaking lesson in the context of a moral dilemma. Students will listen to a story first, then they will write the end of the story , and finally they will discuss what they have written.


Abc Global Upper Intermediate Class CD (1.31)
Abc Global Upper Intermediate Coursebook U2, p. 25
Abc w/b

Main Aims

  • The main aim of this lesson is to give the students practice in the integrated skills of listening, speaking and writing.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To give Ss some vocabulary so that they can use them in their writing.


Warmer/Lead-in (1-3 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Show picture of Pinocchio on the w/b ask: "What do you see in the picture? "When does his nose become that long?" "How do you describe the character Pinocchio? " Once get the word "dishonest" from the Ss, write it on the w/b as well the word "honest" in two columns with happy smiley face over the word "honest" and sad smiley face over the word "dishonest". Ask Ss "Is being honest like being in a high position or being low down?" - Write on WB.

Vocabulary (6-8 minutes) • To focus on target language

Read the information in the SsBk about the metaphors to the Ss. Tell them look at each of the example sentences and tell you which ones refer to a honest position and which ones to a dishonest position (the first two sentences refer to honesty). Ss in pairs match the sentences to their meanings below.

Listening (6-8 minutes) • To give Ss practice in listening for specific information

Tell Ss they are going to listen a story about moral dilemma. Play the recording once and let them make some notes. Ss then check their notes in pairs. Play the recording a second time and let them check.

Writing (10-12 minutes) • To give Ss practice in writing

Read out the questions from ex 2. Ask Ss to think about what Ben did, what he was thinking when he did it and what influenced his decision. This is a critical thinking exercise, so give them time to think before they write. Then ask Ss to write the end of the story. Circulate and monitor, helping where necessary. This part should be individual work.

Post-Writing / Speaking (8-10 minutes) • To give Ss practice in speaking through a discussion.

Put Ss into groups of three or four. Tell them to read out the end of their stories and discuss what they think Ben did. Did people in the group agree on the best ending? Ask diffferent groups to report back what they wrote and where they differed.

Feedback and Error Correction (3-5 minutes) • To provide feedback on students' production and use of language

Correct the errors Ss have made during the productive skills and give them delayed feedback about good or bad language use.

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