Jeffrey Albertson Jeffrey Albertson

Expressions used to talk of habits and preferences
Intermediate level


This lesson focuses on the expressions used to talk about habits and preferences in the context of TV programmes.


Abc Matching cut out Written scripts of listening text (for lead-in)
Abc Gap fill HO2 -Tutor prepared
Abc HO1 (Un-cut-out listening script of Unit 1.1)
Abc Pictures of four speakers

Main Aims

  • To practice vocabulary and expressions used to talk about habits and preferences in the context of TV programmes.

Subsidiary Aims

  • Speaking for accuracy in the context of TV entertainment programmes.


Lead-in (5-7 minutes) • To remind students of the previous lesson and lead-in the guided discovery task.

-T asks the students to group in 3 groups of 4 at a desk. T reminds the Ss of the four speakers they listened to in the previous lesson and instructs the Ss to individually read one of the four scripts and match it to the correct speaker's photo after distribution. T also instructs Ss to check each other's work and see if others agree. T distributes the pictures of the four speakers in the text and the four scripts of those four speakers to each group, gives a time limit of 1-2 minutes, and asks ICQs. ICQ: Will you read this to yourself or together? To yourself. ICQ: Will you keep your answer to yourself or show your group? Show your group. T will monitor the groups to check for clarity of instructions and possible confusion. T will distribute 4 copies of the un-cut-out script for Ss to check their matches and to refer to in later activities.

Guided-discovery (5-8 minutes) • To learn from context the correct phrases to use in expressing preference and habits regarding entertainment.

T will invite the Ss to look at their text (the script) and look for what each person says to express their habits and preferences of TV programmes for 1 minute. "What does each person say to express their habits and preferences of TV programmes?" T will instruct the Ss to think about their answer for 1 minute, and then share their answers with each other in the group. T will elicit answers by nominating a S from each group to share some of their answers. T will write 3-6 of them on the board in 3 untitled columns (though I will soon label them: Habits, Things you like, and Things you don't like) T will direct the Ss to the highlighted expressions to give the answers and elicit more answers particularly from those.

Language Analysis (15-18 minutes) • To understand the correct usage of the phrases showing preference or habit

T passes out HO3 with ex4 from page 6 of English Unlimited with it folded to only show question 1. T asks Ss. to look again at the highlighted expressions and work in pairs to answer Question 1 for 2-3 minutes. T monitors groups to support. After 3 minutes, or when most are done before then, T asks for some answer from each category. T gives feedback. T instructs Ss to unfold the next section of HO3 to reveal the table from page 6: T instructs Ss to work in the same pairs to answer question 2 for 2-3 minutes. T monitors to support and give FB. T clarifies any problems related to the meaning of the expressions. T instructs Ss to unfold the next section of HO3 to reveal question 3 from page 6: T instructs Ss to work in the same pairs to answer question 3 for 2-3 minutes. After 3 minutes, T asks the pairs to compare answers with the other pair in their group for 1 minute. Quickly after monitoring, T writes "A noun? An -ing form verb? an infinitive?" columns on the board. T asks someone from each group to write down their agreed answers on the board. T gives FB. (perhaps explains "infinitives")

Pronunciation (2-4 minutes) • To remind the learners of the correct pronunciation of the learned expressions.

T will Project TP1 Powerpoint to the board and say each once or twice underlining the main stress in each. T will check understanding by having several Ss say some of them.

Controlled Practice (8-9 minutes) • To allow the learners to practice using the correct expressions with the correct type of words.

T hands out Gap-fill HO2 and instruct Ss to complete it individually for 4-5 minutes. T turns powerpoint to the gap fill slide. T monitors and is available for questions. After 5 minutes, T prompts Ss to compare answers in pairs for 2 minutes. T monitors and is available for questions. T asks for pairs to share a few answers. T shows answers on TP1 Powerpoint and explains differences.

Speaking semi-controlled practice (6-7 minutes) • For the Ss. to have practice using preference and habit expressions about their preferences and habits.

T projects last slide and gives instructions and necessary ICQs. "Individually, think of 3-4 of your own sentences with expressions we learned. Write them on your paper. Take 2-3 minutes." Ss. work individually for 2-3 minutes. T monitors and is available for questions. T instructs Ss. to stand up and compare your habits and preferences with as many other students as you can in 2-3 minutes. T asks Ss. to sit again and asks for feedback.

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