mohammad hassan ahmadi mohammad hassan ahmadi

04 October.TP7B.Grammar.
B1 level


In this lesson Ss will learn to use third conditional sentences about their past regrets and mistakes in life.The TL is presented through PPP .The TL arises out of a listening text.Following this the TL will be highlighted and clarification will be done .Finally Ss have controlled and freer speaking practice.


Abc handout,audio file,

Main Aims

  • To clarify and practice Third Conditionals

Subsidiary Aims

  • To create controlled and freer writing and speaking practice


Stage 1 (Lead-in/Building Context)) (5-8 minutes) • To generate interest in and build context for the TL

T introduces a context in which the TL (third conditionals)to be taught is presented. T gives instructions about the coming task.(listening to man who was late for a meeting and the reason for that plus reading the text of the listening.) Ss are supposed to listen and answer some Qs. then they are asked to read the text with the TL in and find the answers to the same Qs. T asks ICQs. are you going to listen first or read?(listen) are you going to work with a partner or alone?(with a partner) T gives the handouts with questions about the man in the listening and the text. Ss listen once and answer the Qs. why was the man sorry? what was his colleague's reaction? why was he late for the meeting? next,Ss read the text of the listening and answer the Qs. Ss share their answers with partners to have peer check.

Stage 2(Presentation/Clarification) (10-15 minutes) • To highlight the TL out of context

T presents the TL on the WB drawing Ss 'attention . If he had written it on the calendar,he wouldn't have forgotten the meeting. T clarifies the meaning by asking CCQs. Did he remember the meeting? Was he late? Was he sorry? T clarifies the form by asking CCQs: what form do we see in the if clause and the result clause? T clarifies the use by asking CCQs: We use third conditionals to talk about an unreal or untrue condition and its result. What is unreal condition? What is the result? T presents the TL and gets Ss' attention to the pronunciation of contracted parts. Pronunciation : If he’d written it down on my calendar,he wouldn’t have forgotten the meeting. /hid/ /wʊdənəv/ T models and uses the finger technique for contractions and Ss repeat chorally and individually. Ss listen to a sentence and are supposed to find the words that are contracted. Ss then share with a partner. Ss have W/C check.

Stage 3(controlled practice 1 ) (4-5 minutes) • To provide controlled and limited oral and written practcie using the TL accurately.

T gives instruction for the next task.T aims to make sure(get feedback) Ss have gotten the meaning of the TL.T has prepared some unreal conditional sentences focusing on the meaning with two answers a. or b. T gives the instructions and asks ICQs. are you going to write or choose?(choose) are you going to work alone or with a partner?(alone) are you going to share and check with your partners?(yes) T gives the handouts.(an exercise taken form Top Notch 3 Intermediate Student Book by Joan Saslow and Allen Ascher ,2011.p.90. 1. I wouldn’t have gone to class if I hadn’t known I had the influenza. a. I wen t to class b. I didn’t go to class. 2. If we had used our GPS, we wouldn’t have gotten lost. a. we got lost b. we didn’t get lost. 3. If he hadn’t wasted his time playing outside, he would have gotten a better result in the exam. a. he wasted his time b. he didn’t waste his time T monitors Ss while they are on the task. Ss read the answers and they have W/C check.

Stage 4(practice 2) (5-7 minutes) • To proivde practice focusing on form

T uses an activity from the above mentioned book p.90. 1. What………………. you …………………..(do) if you………………………………(not/ have) a phone in your car? 2. If she ………………………….(take) her smart phone with GPS ,she ……………………………..(be) on time for the dinner. Two sentences with blanks to be completed with the correct form of the verbs given in parentheses.Also, T presents a chain story .T shows the picture of a man standing on the platform at the train station and a train going off in distance without him with a thought bubble over his head showing he is thinking about what went wrong. T shows a list of sentences and asks the Ss in pairs to use the TL in a chain drill. T gives instructions before giving the H/O and checks with ICQs. T gives the H/O and monitors. Ss work in pairs and then check with others. T has W/C check and writes the answers.

Stage 5(language use practice) (8-10 minutes) • to provide the Ss with fluency practice using the TL

T chose another activity from the teacher's book for the resource above. T wants the Ss to do more fluency work by interviewing each other using the TL. Use Take turn asking answering qs . A:What would you have done if you had been the boss ? B:…………………………………………………. What about you? A:.................................................................. After this the T wants the Ss to complete a conversation talking about a mistake in the past. T gives some clues to pairs.forgetting a friend's birthday.going to work late.forgetting anniversary. A:sorry I…………………………… B:what happened? A:I'm ashamed to say I…………………………… B:don’t worry .It can happen to anyone. A:Well,if I……………………………….,I………………………………………. B:No big deal. T gives them the H/O .a conversation with blanks . T asks ICQs. Ss practice and T monitors. T takes notes of their mistakes for the final error correction. T presents them on the W/B.

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